| |
| |
| |
| |
4210 DPS
Water Atk 1477
4136 DPS
Fire Atk 1477
3946 DPS
Water Atk 1373
3928 DPS
Dark Atk 1428
3867 DPS
Light Atk 1406
3801 DPS
Dark Atk 1395
3766 DPS
Light Atk 1395
3750 DPS
Water Atk 1339
3740 DPS
Basic Atk 1373
3720 DPS
Water Atk 1417
3706 DPS
Light Atk 1373
3702 DPS
Earth Atk 1384
3697 DPS
Dark Atk 1395
3676 DPS
Water Atk 1361
3672 DPS
Basic Atk 1373
3642 DPS
Basic Atk 1361
3375 DPS
Light Atk 1534
3375 DPS
Dark Atk 1520
3343 DPS
Fire Atk 1013
3314 DPS
Water Atk 1507
3313 DPS
Fire Atk 1023
3313 DPS
Light Atk 1032
3309 DPS
Dark Atk 815
3254 DPS
Fire Atk 1507
3252 DPS
Fire Atk 1239
3251 DPS
Light Atk 503
3240 DPS
Dark Atk 1409
3222 DPS
Basic Atk 1465
3194 DPS
Water Atk 995
3167 DPS
Basic Atk 760
3167 DPS
Dark Atk 794
3164 DPS
Dark Atk 986
3164 DPS
Light Atk 1465
3161 DPS
Earth Atk 1437
3156 DPS
Light Atk 939
3134 DPS
Water Atk 753
3132 DPS
Earth Atk 1437
3132 DPS
Dark Atk 1437
3130 DPS
Dark Atk 949
3114 DPS
Earth Atk 760
3103 DPS
Earth Atk 958
3103 DPS
Basic Atk 958
3102 DPS
Dark Atk 495
3087 DPS
Fire Atk 767
3075 DPS
Fire Atk 967
3075 DPS
Light Atk 1437
3075 DPS
Water Atk 1437
3073 DPS
Fire Atk 1423
3073 DPS
Dark Atk 1004
3046 DPS
Basic Atk 958
3046 DPS
Basic Atk 1161
3046 DPS
Basic Atk 338
3046 DPS
Light Atk 542
3046 DPS
Fire Atk 1437
3045 DPS
Fire Atk 547
3045 DPS
Earth Atk 496
3041 DPS
Earth Atk 1395
3041 DPS
Earth Atk 1395
3038 DPS
Water Atk 529
3017 DPS
Earth Atk 967
3010 DPS
Earth Atk 425
3007 DPS
Light Atk 754
3007 DPS
Fire Atk 747
2991 DPS
Fire Atk 370
2988 DPS
Water Atk 426
2988 DPS
Light Atk 976
2987 DPS
Dark Atk 1127
2980 DPS
Water Atk 740
2959 DPS
Light Atk 939
2959 DPS
Basic Atk 341
2959 DPS
Light Atk 418
2955 DPS
Fire Atk 666
2954 DPS
Basic Atk 747
2952 DPS
Earth Atk 471
2931 DPS
Light Atk 398
2903 DPS
Dark Atk 462
2902 DPS
Basic Atk 659
2901 DPS
Water Atk 930
2901 DPS
Basic Atk 930
2889 DPS
Water Atk 1325
2876 DPS
Dark Atk 734
2874 DPS
Basic Atk 338
2872 DPS
Water Atk 714
2845 DPS
Basic Atk 1084
2827 DPS
Earth Atk 1067
2824 DPS
Water Atk 642
2821 DPS
Light Atk 707
2819 DPS
Basic Atk 671
2808 DPS
Fire Atk 1050
2796 DPS
Earth Atk 707
2762 DPS
Basic Atk 1255
2761 DPS
Light Atk 1032
2748 DPS
Earth Atk 630
2748 DPS
Dark Atk 630
2747 DPS
Basic Atk 636
2745 DPS
Dark Atk 700
2733 DPS
Earth Atk 594
2719 DPS
Water Atk 618
2717 DPS
Light Atk 879
2690 DPS
Basic Atk 862
2690 DPS
Basic Atk 1293
2645 DPS
Light Atk 624
2597 DPS
Light Atk 601
2595 DPS
Fire Atk 595
2595 DPS
Fire Atk 595
2594 DPS
Water Atk 589
2570 DPS
Basic Atk 589
2567 DPS
Basic Atk 642
2549 DPS
Basic Atk 687
2548 DPS
Water Atk 833
2525 DPS
Dark Atk 801
2525 DPS
Earth Atk 817
2525 DPS
Basic Atk 817
2523 DPS
Earth Atk 674
2521 DPS
Water Atk 630
2521 DPS
Earth Atk 584
2500 DPS
Fire Atk 595
2498 DPS
Fire Atk 833
2498 DPS
Water Atk 833
2498 DPS
Water Atk 584
2476 DPS
Fire Atk 809
2474 DPS
Fire Atk 619
2474 DPS
Dark Atk 619
2474 DPS
Water Atk 619
2453 DPS
Basic Atk 801
2453 DPS
Basic Atk 595
2451 DPS
Earth Atk 817
2451 DPS
Basic Atk 613
2451 DPS
Dark Atk 613
2451 DPS
Water Atk 584
2429 DPS
Water Atk 794
2429 DPS
Dark Atk 794
2429 DPS
Light Atk 794
2428 DPS
Dark Atk 809
2428 DPS
Earth Atk 607
2404 DPS
Water Atk 801
2404 DPS
Fire Atk 801
2404 DPS
Basic Atk 601
2381 DPS
Light Atk 794
2381 DPS
Light Atk 595
2381 DPS
Light Atk 595
2381 DPS
Water Atk 595
2381 DPS
Basic Atk 595
2381 DPS
Earth Atk 595
2369 DPS
Basic Atk 1097
2369 DPS
Light Atk 1097
2358 DPS
Dark Atk 786
2358 DPS
Basic Atk 786
2358 DPS
Dark Atk 589
2351 DPS
Earth Atk 554
2334 DPS
Light Atk 778
2334 DPS
Light Atk 584
2323 DPS
Fire Atk 1075
2318 DPS
Water Atk 576
2299 DPS
Dark Atk 432
2297 DPS
Basic Atk 571
2297 DPS
Light Atk 571
2276 DPS
Fire Atk 371
2259 DPS
Light Atk 717
2257 DPS
Fire Atk 571
2256 DPS
Earth Atk 560
2251 DPS
Earth Atk 541
2247 DPS
Basic Atk 681
2230 DPS
Light Atk 722
2222 DPS
Fire Atk 823
2217 DPS
Dark Atk 560
2216 DPS
Basic Atk 717
2216 DPS
Basic Atk 710
2216 DPS
Earth Atk 416
2216 DPS
Light Atk 434
2215 DPS
Water Atk 358
2215 DPS
Basic Atk 319
2180 DPS
Basic Atk 815
2168 DPS
Basic Atk 903
2160 DPS
Basic Atk 815
2117 DPS
Basic Atk 791
2101 DPS
Light Atk 700
2041 DPS
Dark Atk 472
2041 DPS
Light Atk 472
1999 DPS
Basic Atk 454
1926 DPS
Light Atk 450
1906 DPS
Basic Atk 700
1873 DPS
Basic Atk 814
1872 DPS
Fire Atk 612
1870 DPS
Dark Atk 468
1869 DPS
Dark Atk 857
1852 DPS
Basic Atk 857
1836 DPS
Dark Atk 612
1836 DPS
Dark Atk 612
1836 DPS
Earth Atk 612
1836 DPS
Basic Atk 459
1833 DPS
Water Atk 841
1818 DPS
Water Atk 606
1818 DPS
Light Atk 454
1818 DPS
Water Atk 454
1801 DPS
Basic Atk 583
1800 DPS
Basic Atk 571
1800 DPS
Fire Atk 571
1800 DPS
Basic Atk 571
1783 DPS
Fire Atk 288
1783 DPS
Basic Atk 451
1783 DPS
Light Atk 451
1782 DPS
Earth Atk 445
1779 DPS
Basic Atk 516
1766 DPS
Water Atk 285
1752 DPS
Basic Atk 467
1672 DPS
Basic Atk 430
1549 DPS
Basic Atk 359
1549 DPS
Basic Atk 359
1549 DPS
Basic Atk 359
1506 DPS
Basic Atk 359
1476 DPS
Fire Atk 394
1435 DPS
Dark Atk 478
1435 DPS
Light Atk 478
1435 DPS
Basic Atk 359
1435 DPS
Earth Atk 359
1435 DPS
Basic Atk 359
1392 DPS
Basic Atk 348
1379 DPS
Basic Atk 460
248 Def
Damage Reduction 142
232 Def
Damage Reduction 126
227 Def
Damage Reduction 81
223 Def
Damage Reduction 140
221 Def
Damage Reduction 135
219 Def
Damage Reduction 125
217 Def
Damage Reduction 137
217 Def
Damage Reduction 96
215 Def
Damage Reduction 126
215 Def
Damage Reduction 140
215 Def
Damage Reduction 116
212 Def
Damage Reduction 111
212 Def
Damage Reduction 116
209 Def
Damage Reduction 116
196 Def
Damage Reduction 159
189 Def
Damage Reduction 164
165 Def
Damage Reduction 237
165 Def
Damage Reduction 69
165 Def
Damage Reduction 61
164 Def
Damage Reduction 61
164 Def
Damage Reduction 84
154 Def
146 Def
141 Def
139 Def
137 Def
135 Def
135 Def
135 Def
133 Def
133 Def
132 Def
Damage Reduction 50
130 Def
130 Def
130 Def
130 Def
129 Def
Damage Reduction 37
129 Def
Damage Reduction 50
128 Def
127 Def
Damage Reduction 50
126 Def
126 Def
126 Def
Damage Reduction 178
124 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
122 Def
118 Def
112 Def
Damage Reduction 31
105 Def
105 Def
102 Def
99 Def
99 Def
96 Def
95 Def
95 Def
95 Def
90 Def
88 Def
83 Def
80 Def
80 Def
76 Def
74 Def
67 Def
63 Def
60 Def
53 Def
HP +6.0%
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
HP +6.0%
Crit Hit Chance 3.0%
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
Crit Hit Chance 3.0%
Heal +10.0%
HP +6.0%
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
Def +7.0%
-0.2 seconds of weapon skill Regen time on enemy kill
Atk +5.0%
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
Crit Hit Chance 3.0%
Injury Damage 100.0% negated
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
HP +6.0%
Atk +5.0%
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
Skill Damage +10.0%
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
Atk +5.0%
HP +6.0%
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
Atk +5.0%
Heal +10.0%
Heal +10.0%
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
-0.2 seconds of weapon skill Regen time on enemy kill
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
Atk +5.0%
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
HP +6.0%
Def +7.0%
Heal +10.0%
Injury Damage 100.0% negated
Heal +10.0%
Atk +5.0%
Atk +5.0%
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
Doom Damage 100.0% negated
HP +6.0%
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
-0.2 seconds of weapon skill Regen time on enemy kill
HP +6.0%
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
Atk +5.0%
Def +7.0%
-0.2 seconds of weapon skill Regen time on enemy kill
Heal +10.0%
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
HP +6.0%
Atk +5.0%
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
HP +6.0%
HP +6.0%
Atk +5.0%
Heal +10.0%
Atk +5.0%
Def +7.0%
+8.0% Atk increase on enemy kill
Atk +5.0%
-0.2 seconds of weapon skill Regen time on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
HP +6.0%
Heal +10.0%
Def +7.0%
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
HP +6.0%
Heal +10.0%
Atk +5.0%
+1.0% HP recovery on enemy kill
HP +6.0%
Def +7.0%
+4.0% shield increase on battle start
Atk +5.0%
-0.2 seconds of weapon skill Regen time on enemy kill
+2.0% shield increase on enemy kill
Def +7.0%
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