Amy is a mercenary and a beserker, dressed as a maid.
It's not a fashion choice. Her mercenary partner, Dolf, asked her to wear it so that he can better disguise himself as a high class court magician. Amy hates the ploy but plays along since Dolf gets them great deals that Amy could never get.
She is usually quiet and timid. But when it comes to battles she is a formidable berserker. She wields two handed weapons like it's a children's toy and roars like a dragon. The face she makes alone can give her foes nightmares.
Okay, They need to update this for starters:
about the final attack is actually an upside because you can dash out of it and the axe will stay there until it finishes the attack.
The lower survivability is real BUT it can be use in one’s favor you just will need to have a healer (I use Eleanor) and shield (shield being the grey bar, you can get it from cards) plus defence (again use cards)
P.D if you Wonder why she needs that is because she has a gimmick, when fully evolution us reached everytime you hit someone damage and crits will be greater but she gains defence debuff
Now why you should use her?
Because she is honestly underrated the crits from her are crazy (My current Amy is at lv 77 with max weapon lv [withouth breaking the cap] plus buff ftom arifacts that deals greater weapon ability damage and charm that gives plus damge to basic I gotten up to 337560 damage and that is just counting the final blow of the weapon ability of Amy) just pair her with a healer and maybe a tank and you got the perfect team
so you should give a ten out ten
hi heaenhold <3 can you please add this?
Thumbs up : exclusive weapon increases her def by 77 – 86 (dont remember exact number sorry)
Thumbs up : Exclusive weapon makes her attack higher by 40% when doing a crit overlapping by 4 times increasing it it 160% and increases her crit chance to ! in total
Thumbs down : her exclusive passive decreases her def by 4% meaning she becomes squishier at 16% by most
Heavenhold* sorry for the wrong spelling