Global/KR Japan
Name Dolf
Released February 28, 2020 (GL/KR)
October 6, 2021 (Japan)
Age 21
Height 177cm
Weight 68kg
Element Fire
Role Ranged
Equipment Staff


Dolf is a mercenary and a con artist.

He disguises as a prominent court wizard and charges an expensive fee for his service. In reality, he dropped out of the magic school when his former noble family fell to poverty. Some may say he's a victim of circumstances, but even they can't deny how talented Dolf is as a con man. His natural charm and fluent talking skills produced many blissfully ignorant customers for him.

Although he dropped out, Dolf is still an exceptional wizard. Perhaps, if he was given enough time he would have made a great court wizard. He travels with his mercenary partner, Amy.


Obtainable at 2

Max Awakened Stats Lv.86

Rank: 90/140
ATK 1201
Rank: 110/140
HP 36723
Rank: 138/140
DEF 124
Rank: 69/140
Crit Chance 0
Rank: 1/140
Damage Reduction 34
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Water Resistance -30%
Earth Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Dancing Fire
Shoots fireballs that bounce off the wall to damage enemies.

Chain Ability


Meteo Shower
Drops small meteorites that inflict 320% of DPS damage.

Special Ability
After Dancing Fire's last attack, Atk increases by 20% for 5 second(s).
Passives[Party] Weapon Skill Regen Speed +28.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Helios Legend Staff 2721 DPS
Fire Atk 848 Crit Hit Chance 7%HP +15.0%Skill Damage +25.0%Weapon Skill Regen Speed +20.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Swindler Magician Dolf only]
Shoots a more powerful fireball with 30% chance.
Weapon Skill Lv +3

[Sub-Options] (Max 1)Def +10.0%

Meteor Strike Lv.4

Atk: 425% DPS
Regen time: 12.6 seconds

Drops a huge meteorite. Puts enemies in downed state.
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Global/KR Japan
Name Dolf
Released February 28, 2020 (GL/KR)
October 6, 2021 (Japan)
Age 21
Height 177cm
Weight 68kg
Element Fire
Role Ranged
Equipment Staff