Weapon SkillAtkRegen TimeWeapons
Aerial Fire Lv.1140% DPS7sMM20 Assault Rifle
Jumps forward and damages everything in the way. Puts enemies in downed state.
Aerial Fire Lv.2143% DPS7sGatling Gun
Desert Hunter Rifle
Jumps forward and damages everything in the way. Puts enemies in downed state.
Akaoni Lv.2205% DPS8sMurasame
Draws power from the sealed yokai of the blade. Puts enemies in injured state.
Annihilation Lv.3185% DPS10sXellos’ Staff
Causes a chain of explosions from his fingertips to inflict damage and put enemies in an airborne state.
Aqua Blast Lv.3220% DPS8.4sOcean’s Tear
Creates a whirlpool to inflict ranged damage to enemies, puts them in a(n) injured state.
Arcane Beam Lv.3168% DPS10sGuardian’s Bow
Yellow Dragon’s Bow
Authority of Light Staff
Magic Lightning Rifle
Fires a powerful laser of light. Puts enemies in injured state.
Arcane Beam Lv.5176% DPS10sArcane Staff
Fires three streaks of lasers. Puts enemies in injured state.
Area Bombardment Lv.1170% DPS8.9sHeavenly Cannon
Fires a barrage of shells into the sky to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Arrow of Mother Nature Lv.3300% DPS10sSun Garden Bow
Shoots an arrow with the power of mother nature. Puts enemies in injured state.
Arrow of Mother Nature Lv.4306% DPS10sFairy Shelter Basket
Shoots an arrow with the power of mother nature. Puts enemies in injured state.
Arrow of Nature Lv.2196% DPS7sFlower Bow
Shoots an arrow with the power of nature. Puts enemies in injured state.
Aura Arrow Lv.1120% DPS5sDevil Wing Bow
Icicle Bow
Solar Eclipse Bow
Magic Bow
Bronze Claw
Summons a mystic creature that charges forward. Puts enemies in injured state.
Aura Slash Lv.175% DPS5sC&C Two-Handed Sword
Tutorial Two-Handed Sword
Curved Sword
Assassin’s Dagger
Bronze Sword
Launches a powerful aura slash. Puts enemies in injured state.
Aura Slash Lv.277% DPS5sSurfer’s Two-handed Sword
Launches a powerful aura slash. Puts enemies in injured state.
Aura Throw Lv.2164% DPS8sBlack Thorn Two-Handed Sword
Imperial Two-Handed Sword
Summons mystic creatures that charge forward one after another. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Aura Wave Lv.2163% DPS8.5sTiger Hunter Gauntlet
Steps back a bit and fires 3 lines of aura. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Autopilot Arrow Lv.2186% DPS9.9sMarauder
Shoots an arrow that follows multiple targets. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Battle Roar Lv.2144% DPS7.5sBooster Sword
Earth’s Tooth
Roars loudly and damages enemies in front of the caster. Puts enemies in downed state.
Battle Roar Lv.3147% DPS7.5sLotus Basket
Gauntlet of Brilliance
Blue’s Castle Gauntlet
Beat Basket
Roars loudly and damages enemies in front of the caster. Puts enemies in downed state.
Battle Roar Lv.5153% DPS7.5sBlack Lion Fang Claw
Roars loudly and damages enemies in front of the caster. Puts enemies in downed state.
Black Flame Circle Lv.1150% DPS10.5sKagemaru
Summons black flames to inflict ranged damage, and puts enemies in a(n) downed state.
Blazing Fire Cut Lv.1176% DPS9.4sFormidable Courage
Quickly charges back and forth firing waves of sword aura to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Blizzard Lv.4210% DPS11.4sWitch Heart
Creates a huge ice storm. Puts enemies in injured state.
Blood Moon Lv.4170% DPS8sCrescent Moon
Damages enemies around the party members and restores the party members' HP. Puts enemies in downed state.
Bloody Tempest180% DPS11sTwilight
Creates a whirlwind to inflict damage to enemies nearby. Puts enemies in a downed state.
Bomb Arrow Lv.180% DPS4.5sSniper Bow
Molten Bow
Shoots an explosive arrow. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Bounce Plasma Grenade Lv.1145% DPS8sGenocide
Shoot a special plasma grenade that bounces off maximum of 3 times. Puts enemies in injured state.
Boundless Ocean Lv.1140% DPS10sDragon Spring Sword
Throws a tidal wave to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Bubble Gun Lv.2163% DPS7sWaterbomb Basket
Attacks enemies with bubbles. Puts enemies in airborne state. It hurts more than you think!
Bubble Gun Lv.3166% DPS7sShark Basket
Attacks enemies with bubbles. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Butterfyly Fantasy Lv.3149% DPS8.8sPouch of Verdure
Fires butterfly phantoms to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Cerberus Lv.2138% DPS8sWolf’s Howl Bow
Oni Claw
Summon three mystic creatures that charge forward. Puts enemies in injured state.
Cerberus Lv.3142% DPS8sHorror Basket
Cat Basket
Summons three mystic creatures that charge forward. Puts enemies in injured state.
Cerberus Lv.4146% DPS8sGargoyle Staff
Summons three mystic creatures that charge forward. Puts enemies in injured state.
Chain Tempest Lv.1190% DPS9.7sTrouble Shooter
Creates a chain storm to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Chaos! Destruction! Oblivion! Lv.1150% DPS10.5sPlanet Buster
Jumps up to create a fissure on the landing area to inflict melee damage, and puts enemies in a(n) downed state.
Charge Attack Lv.285% DPS7sSilence
Rushes quickly to the target and damages everything nearby. The damage increases in proportion to Def of the attacker. Puts enemies in downed state.
Cherry Blossom Frenzy Lv.1172% DPS9sGhost-Cutter Sword
Swiftly fires sword slashes to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Close Air Support Lv.1240% DPS12sRebellion
Requests for chopper support to inflict damage around the target, and puts enemies in an airborne state.
Cluster Missile Lv.190% DPS10.2sEckesachs Mode.R
Launches missile firing Pods to inflict damage. Puts enemies in an airborne state.
Combination G Lv.3200% DPS8sCuriosity Solver
Fires a special bomb made with toxic substances from Devildom. Puts enemies in injured state.
Continuous Punch Lv.1130% DPS6.5sSun Cultist Gauntlet
Iron Fist Gauntlet
Throws consecutive punches. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Continuous Punch Lv.2133% DPS6.5sThorns Gauntlet
Black Leather Gauntlet
Throws consecutive punches. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Critical Claw Lv.1100% DPS5sAutomatic Claw
Training Claw
Sphinx Claw
Attacks enemies continuously with sharp claws. Puts enemies in injured state.
Critical Claw Lv.2102% DPS5sNeko Punch Gauntlet
Attacks enemies continuously with sharp claws. Puts enemies in injured state.
Cryogenic Grenade Lv.1140% DPS9sNemesis
Throws special liquid bombs to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an airborne state.
Cyclone Lv.1140% DPS6sStorm Sword
Creates a cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Cyclone Lv.2143% DPS6sDestruction Claw
Fantasy Sword
Creates a cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Cyclone Lv.1140% DPS6sDemon Claw
Creates a dark type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Dragon's Ascension Lv.2155% DPS10sFafnir
Summons a dragon to inflict damage round the target. Puts enemies in an airborne state.
Dark Laser Lv.2154% DPS7sDemon Bow
Banshee’s Scream
Witch’s Cauldron Basket
Ghost Energy Buster
Fires a dark type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Dark Laser Lv.3158% DPS7sWing of Terror
Devil Snake Staff
Amethyst Staff
Graviton Cannon
Fires a dark type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Dark Lightning Buster Lv.5181% DPS9sGrip of Darkness Staff
Summons a powerful dark lightning. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Lightning Strike Lv.1100% DPS6sShape of Darkness Claw
Summons a lightning that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Lightning Strike Lv.4106% DPS6sEvil Spirit’s Call Staff
Summons a lightning that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Roar Lv.2150% DPS8sGauntlet of Fury
Roars loudly and damages enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Dark Roar Lv.3154% DPS8sLunar Eclipse Two-Handed Sword
Roars loudly and damages enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Dark Roar Lv.4158% DPS8sHalloween Basket
Roars loudly and damages enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Dark Slash Lv.379% DPS4sBlack Quartz Staff
Cut through enemies with a dark sword. Inflicts dark type damage.
Dark Thunder Lv.2169% DPS9sBlack Rose Claw
Dark Knight Two-Handed Sword
Summons a dark lightning to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Thunder Lv.3173% DPS9sGold Hilt Sword
Summons a dark lightning bolt to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Thunder Lv.4177% DPS9sDevil Claw
Summons a dark lightning to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Dark Thunder Lv.5181% DPS9sDark Dragon Staff
Summons a dark lightning to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Deathly Terrifying Lv.380% DPS7.5sUnchained
Attacks with spirit energy to inflict damage to enemies, puts enemies in an injured state.
Deceptive Slice Lv.1145% DPS8.5sHeavenly Perfection
Quickly spins her sword to hack and slash enemies, puts them in an injured state
Decisive Blow Lv.1145% DPS9sSword of Light
Creates an explosion with the Sword of Light to inflict damage, and puts enemies in a downed state.
Desert Rain Lv.1170% DPS9.4sSarnga
Rains down arrows to enemies. Puts enemies in injured state.
Destructive Fire Lv.2276% DPS10.5sMerciless
Attacks enemies with all sorts of weapons. Puts enemies in downed state.
Divine Explosion Lv.4235% DPS9.5sHoly Sword
Sets off an explosion of sacred power that damages nearby enemies. Puts enemies in downed state.
Divine Explosion Lv.5240% DPS9.5sMagic Girl Staff
Sets off an explosion of sacred power that damages nearby enemies. Puts enemies in downed state.
Divine Stigma Lv.3160% DPS9.1sMessiah
Damages and imprints a lightning shape on enemies around the target with holy power. The lightning explodes after some time to inflict damage and put them in airborne state.
Drunken Swordsmanship Frenzy175% DPS9.6sRed Lotus
Performs a sword dance to inflict damage to nearby enemies, and put them in downed state.
Earth Cyclone Lv.2143% DPS6sRune Rock Claw
Guardian’s Claw
Health Food Basket
Creates an earth type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Earth Laser Lv.2154% DPS7sMusket Rifle
Fires an earth type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Earth Laser Lv.3158% DPS7sVine Basket
Fires an earth type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Earth Slam Lv. 1160% DPS9.2sOuros
Slams the ground 3 times. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Earth's Jolting Wave Lv.3170% DPS8.2sEquinox
Shoots the concentrated energy from the earth to inflict damage to enemies in his way, and puts them in airborne state.
Eight Diagrams of Taiji Lv.1150% DPS9.5sPure Mind
Summons eight diagrams of Taiji. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ember Wave Lv.2153% DPS8sPaimon’s Two-Handed Sword
Fires three streaks of sword waves. Deals fire-type damage. Puts enemies in injured state.
Ember Wave Lv.3156% DPS8sFlame Dragon Claw Gauntlet
Fires three streaks of sword waves. Deals fire type damage. Puts enemies in injured state.
Ember Wave Lv.5162% DPS8sSunshine Staff
Fires three streaks of sword waves. Deals fire type damage. Puts enemies in injured state.
Endless Suffering Lv.3175% DPS8.7sRepentance
Creates bacteria that follows enemies and inflicts melee damage around them. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Fairy King's Arrow Lv.2140% DPS8sOberon
Launches thorn-growing arrows around the enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Fanning the Flames Lv.3220% DPS8.4sShangri La
Throws burning fans to three ways then pulls them back. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Feral Dragon Claws Lv.2122% DPS7sFirm Determination
A ferocious dragon swings its claw. Puts enemies in injured state.
Fickle Lady Lv.2195% DPS9.9sGeminus
Pulls enemies nearby and explodes. Puts enemies in downed state.
Fire Ball Lv.4240% DPS8sFire Shape Staff
Throws burning spheres. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Fire Cyclone Lv.2143% DPS6sMarauder Gauntlet
Fire Sword
Creates a fire type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Fire Laser Lv.2154% DPS7sVolcano Bow
Launches a fire type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Fire Laser Lv.3158% DPS7sFlame Staff
Launches a fire type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Fire Slash Lv.1100% DPS4.5sHematite Claw
Flame Thorn Two-Handed Sword
Meteor Core Two-Handed Sword
Molten Sword
Cuts through enemies with a fire sword. Inflicts fire type damage. Puts enemies in injured state.
Fireworks Lv.2123% DPS6sFlame Festival Bow
Launches fireworks to enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Fireworks Lv.3126% DPS6sFireworks Basket
Launches fireworks to enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Flag Race Lv.1100% DPS8sMilkyway Trophy
Charges toward a flag to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Flame of Destruction Lv.5270% DPS9sVolcanic Horn
Continuously strikes enemies with powerful blows. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Flame of Purification Lv.1185% DPS10sProminence
Releases a sacred flame. Puts enemies in injured state. Allies within the sacred flame HP are restored and negative Effects on them are removed.
Flamethrower Lv.2174% DPS7sFlame Cobra Rifle
Shoots out flames. Puts enemies in injured state.
Flamethrower Lv.3178% DPS7sGeothermal Plasma Rifle
Shoots out flames. Puts enemies in injured state.
Flamethrower Lv.4182% DPS7sFire Hatchling Basket
Shoots out flames. Puts enemies in injured state.
Floral Explosion Lv.1165% DPS9sSolaris
Bursts out the concentrated energy in front and inflicts damage, and put in downed state.
Flower Bomb Lv.3215% DPS7.8sMayreel
Continuously fires spell bullets. Puts enemies in injured state.
Foot Stamp!!! Lv.3170% DPS9.5sMind Snap
Stomps on the enemy with a tiger's foot to inflict damage around the target. Puts enemies in an injured state.
Fox Fire Bomb Lv.3140% DPS8.5sSage Bead
Summons fox fires and throws them continuously. Puts enemies in downed state.
Frozen Core Lv.3146% DPS7.5sIce Crystal Basket
Ice Staff
Summons frozen crystals that continuously damage enemies nearby. Puts enemies in injured state
Frozen Core Lv.4149% DPS7.5sFrost Comet Staff
Summons frozen crystals that continuously damage enemies nearby. Puts enemies in injured state.
Frozen Core Lv.5152% DPS7.5sNest of White Dragon
Summons frozen crystals that continuously damage enemies nearby. Puts enemies in injured state.
Full Bloom Lv.2180% DPS7.5sBlue Rose
Continuously fires a shotgun. Puts enemies in injured state.
Fury Explosion Lv.3158% DPS8sLucky Punch
Assassination Gauntlet
Sets off an explosion of wrath that damages nearby enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Glory Waltz Lv.3220% DPS9.4sBenedictus
Uses sound waves to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an injured state.
Grenade Launcher Lv.190% DPS5sStrengthened Blunderbuss Gun
Throws 3 grenades. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Grenade Launcher Lv.292% DPS5sCake Basket
Bomb Basket
Throws 3 grenades. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Grenade Launcher Lv.394% DPS5sSteel Bag
Throws 3 grenades. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Guidance to the After World Lv.1170% DPS10sRestrain
Opens the gate to the After World to inflict ranged damage to nearby enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Gun Fight Scene Lv.1180% DPS8sBrave Heart
Wildly shoots gun and inflicts ranged Atk. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Hail Storm Lv.3190% DPS7.5sJack Frost
Drops ice chunks to inflict damage around the target, and puts enemies in a downed state.
Hammer Bonk!!! Lv.1155% DPS9.7sDragon Fang
Slams giant rock hammers made of magic to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Heart Breaker Lv.2175% DPS7sTartaros
Fatally charms enemies to their very heart. Recovers 100 HP when the attack hits enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Heaven's Wrath Lv.1190% DPS11.6sBalmung
Drops lightning bolts to the target to inflict damage, puts enemies in a downed state.
Hell Flame Lv.3210% DPS9sMinotaur’s Two-Handed Sword
Minotaur’s Sword
Throws small fireballs in various directions. Inflicts fire type damage. Puts enemies in downed state.
Hell Hound Lv.3208% DPS9.4sAmarok
Four hounds charge forward and inflict melee Atk to everything in the way. Puts enemies in injured state.
High Explosives Lv.190% DPS4.5sEnergy Rifle
Blunderbuss Gun
Double Barrel Shotgun
Fires an explosive bullet. Puts enemies in airborne state.
High Explosives Lv.292% DPS4.5sFlower Basket
Basic Basket
Fires and explosive bullet. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Hydro Bomb Lv.3220% DPS8.4sOcean Gale
Shoots a ball of water that spreads up to three targets to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Hyper Energy Cannon Lv.1170% DPS8.5sOmega Blaster
Fires an exploding energy bomb. Puts enemies in downed state.
Ice Crown Lv.3168% DPS8sCold Heart
Rains down ice arrows on enemies. Inflicts water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Crown Lv.5176% DPS8sIce Moon Staff
Rains down ice arrows on enemies. Inflicts water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Cyclone Lv.2143% DPS6sBlizzard Brawl Gauntlet
Scale Sword
Creates a water type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Ice Laser Lv.1150% DPS7sAtomic Rifle
Launches a water type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Ice Laser Lv.2154% DPS7sCrystal Shotgun
Launches a water type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Ice Laser Lv.4162% DPS7sFrost Eye Staff
Launches a water type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Ice Missile Lv.3131% DPS7sRailshot Rifle
Fires an ice missile that penetrates enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Ridge Lv.2248% DPS9sGalaxy Gauntlet
Blue Two-Handed Sword
Summons massive ice pillars. Deals water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Ridge Lv.3254% DPS9sBlizzard Shard Gauntlet
Blizzard Fang Claw
Frigid Crystal Staff
Summons massive ice pillars. Deals water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Ridge Lv.4260% DPS9sGuide’s Frigid Staff
Summons massive ice pillars. Deals water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Shock Wave Lv.1126% DPS6.8sAstarte
Creates a powerful ice wave to inflict ranged damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Skewer Lv.2194% DPS8.5sBlue Spider Two-Handed Sword
Attacks enemies with a sword of ice and summons massive ice pillars. Inflicts water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ice Skewer Lv.3198% DPS8.5sMagic Gauntlet MS-08
Glacier Blade
Moonlight Sword
Attacks enemies with a sword of ice and summons massive ice pillars. Inflicts water type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Icy Scratch Lv.1115% DPS6.5sYeti Claw
Snowy Wolf Claw
Attacks enemies with icy claws. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Icy Scratch Lv.2118% DPS6.5sCold Thorn
Attacks enemies with icy claws. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Imperial Order Lv.2290% DPS11.9sVeritas
Summons secret imperial weapon that shoots laser. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ink Whirlpool215% DPS8.5sBringer of Tranquility
Throws spinning ink at the target to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an downed state.
It's Gonna Be a Big One! Lv.1140% DPS10sSnow Maker
Rolls a snowball to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Jade Crescent Blade Lv.3180% DPS9.4sJade Spear of Exorcism
Swings her spear with full force to inflict melee damage to nearby enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Justice Cyclone Lv.1170% DPS10.2sDurendal
Creates a Sword Cyclone to inflict melee damage to enemies and puts them in a(n) downed state.
Kill Zone Lv.1115% DPS8sRatel
Fires bullets at random to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Last Snipe Lv.2215% DPS8.5sLNW-2000
Fires a powerful laser. Puts enemies in downed state.
Light Cyclone Lv.2143% DPS6sGauntlet of Belief
Golden Scorpion Claw
Golden Sword
Creates a light type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Light Laser162% DPS7sProgram Staff
Launches a light type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Light Laser Lv.1150% DPS7sIon Cannon
Launches a light type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Light Laser Lv.2154% DPS7sBrilliance Bow
Antique Rifle
Launches a light type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Light Laser Lv.3158% DPS7sTrophy Basket
Santa’s Gift Basket
Ankh Staff
Yellow’s Mysterious Staff
Launches a light type laser. Puts enemies in injured state.
Lightning Buster Lv.4182% DPS8.5sRandom Basket
Shining Jewel Basket
Summons a powerful lightning. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Buster Lv.5186% DPS8.5sWing of Hope Staff
Summons a powerful lightning. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Rod Lv.2169% DPS8.5sHero’s Two-Handed Sword
Cloud Two-Handed Sword
Summons a lightning to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Rod Lv.3173% DPS8.5sPurifying Sword
Summons a lightning bolt to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Rod Lv.4177% DPS8.5sJustice Claw
Summons a lightning to the caster and damages enemies nearby. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Strike Lv.190% DPS5.5sGold Chaser Gauntlet
Blade Claw
Thunder Claw
Lightning Rock Two-Handed Sword
Summons a lightning that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Strike Lv.292% DPS5.5sEaster Basket
Summons a lightning that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Strike Lv.394% DPS5.5sTraining Staff
Summons a lightning that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Lightning Strike Lv.496% DPS5.5sTear of Light Staff
Summons a lightning that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Machine Gun Arrow Lv.1250% DPS7sArchery Bow
Chaser’s Bow
Basic Bow
Shoots massive arrows consecutively. Puts enemies in downed state.
Mad Giant Swing Lv.1160% DPS11.5sPrestige
Inflicts damage to nearby enemies with a mace by summoning MK-III, and puts enemies in a(n) downed state.
Mad Panda Missile Lv.4280% DPS9sMad Panda Rocket Carrier
Fires missiles. Puts enemies in downed state.
Mad Panda Stomp Lv.3210% DPS7.5sMad Panda Claw
Jumps high and stomps enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Magiton Chain Lv.2210% DPS9.3sMagiton Buster
Launches chaining magiton bold. Puts enemies in downed state.
Magiton Overheat Lv.1100% DPS7sCosmic Destroyer
Shoots out magiton energy at full capacity to inflict damage around the target and puts them in downed state.
Manifest Wildness120% DPS6.5sFenrir
Swings his claws to inflict damage to enemies, puts enemies in an injured state.
March of Gnomes Lv.3185% DPS10.1sOcean Call
Marching Gnomes inflict damage, and puts enemies in a downed state.
Massive Earthquake Lv.2211% DPS11sVulkan
Starts a massive earthquake. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Metal Crusher Lv.1165% DPS12sAtomic Destroyer
Fires an earth splitting sword wave to inflict damage. Puts enemies in an airborne state.
Meteor Strike Lv.4425% DPS12.6sHelios
Drops a huge meteorite. Puts enemies in downed state.
Mikke Style Dimension Cleave Lv.1160% DPS8.9sChisui
Fires waves of sword aura that can even cut through dimensions to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Mint Chocolate Shower!!! Lv.3178% DPS9sSweet Radar
Drops mint chocolate to deal melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Mirage Rush Lv.190% DPS9sArges
Creates phantoms and rushes them towards the enemy to inflict damage. Puts enemies in a(n) downed state.
Multi Power Arrow Lv.2138% DPS10sRail Bow
Shoots powerful arrows 4 times. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Multi-Power Wave Lv.2184% DPS8sEarth Song Two-Handed Sword
Golem’s Two-Handed Sword
Copper Sword
Fires 3 sword waves that penetrate enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Multi-Power Wave Lv.4192% DPS8sBlack Spider Staff
Fires 3 sword waves that penetrate enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Nano Destructor Lv.1190% DPS10.4sNanoparticle Accelerator
Creates a nano machine that shoots energy bullets to inflict ranged damage to enemies and puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Naval Bombardment Lv.1200% DPS10sArmada
Call for bombardment support to attack enemies around. Puts enemies in downed state.
Newton's Apple Lv.2207% DPS9.5sTrouble Maker
Throws 3 bouncing grenades. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Nightfall195% DPS10.4sFail-not
Throws her spear to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Ocean Waves Lv.4159% DPS9sOcean Basket
Damages enemies in front of the caster. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Over Blossom Lv.1200% DPS10sAlraune
Summons a giant flower at the target to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Overcharge Lv.3210% DPS10sEmma
Releases energy stored in Emma to inflict damage to enemies and put them in downed state.
Pachycephalosaurus Lv.2120% DPS8.5sPulverizer
Charges towards the enemy and headbutts them to inflict damage. Puts enemies in downed state.
Patron Saint Lv.2184% DPS8sCharger Bow
Drops a huge statue to enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Patron Saint Lv.3188% DPS8sGreen’s Unicorn Bow
Drops a huge statue to enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Patron Saint Lv.4192% DPS8sStaff of Elegance
Drops a huge statue to enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Phantom Slash Lv.1230% DPS11.2sQueen’s Grace
Stretches a hand imbued with Demon Queen's power and scratches enemies. Puts enemies in injured state.
Phoenix Blade Lv.4192% DPS9.5sPhoenix Sword
Attacks enemies with a fire sword and summons a phoenix that inflicts fire type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Phoenix Claw Lv.3146% DPS7.5sPhoenix Wing Claw
Swings claws and summons a powerful phoenix that inflicts fire type damage. Puts enemies in injured state.
Photo Zone Lv.3180% DPS9.9sInter-V
Unleashes indiscriminate flashes to inflict ranged damage. Puts enemies in a(n) injured state
Piercing Blaze Lv.1135% DPS8.5sPaimon’s Fragment III
Continuously fires powerful enemy piercing flame arrows to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an airborne state.
Piercing Scream155% DPS10sHead Hunter
Creates ice thorns to inflict ranged damage to enemies, puts them in a(n) airborne state.
Poison Blast Lv.5220% DPS9.5sJewel of Verdure Staff
Shoots an explosive toxic arrow. Puts enemies in injured state.
Poison Cloud Lv.2205% DPS6sDrug Basket
Summons toxic clouds that continuously damage enemies nearby. Puts enemies in injured state.
Poison Cloud Lv.3210% DPS6sFirefly Staff
Summons toxic clouds that continuously damage enemies nearby. Puts enemies in injured state.
Porcupine Stab Lv.2195% DPS8sCandy Rapier
Demon Sword
Pink’s Drill Sword
Stabs enemies rapidly. Puts enemies in injured state.
Porcupine Stab Lv.3200% DPS8sBlood Knight Blade
Blood Sword
Stabs enemies rapidly. Puts enemies in injured state.
Power Wave Lv.1110% DPS4.5sSteam Gear Fist Gauntlet
Carpenter’s Gauntlet
Bull’s Gauntlet
Rugged Gauntlet
Charge Blade
Trident Two-Handed Sword
Gaia Blade
Executioner Sword
Crude Sword
Knight Sword
Fires a sword wave that penetrates enemies. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Predator Strike Lv.1140% DPS8.4sPredator
Leaps in the air and slams the two-handed sword on the ground to inflict damage around the area. Puts enemies in downed state.
Pressure Field Lv.190% DPS12.1sEckesachs
Gives continuous pressure around enemies. Puts enemies in downed state.
Ragna Blade Lv.1160% DPS15.5sDemon’s Blood Talisman
Swings a magic sword to inflict damage to enemies in her way. Puts enemies into an injured state.
Rainbow Sherbert Lv.3200% DPS8sAngel Voice
Pours down kaleidoscopic lights. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Ray of Heaven Lv.1180% DPS10sGloria
Uses holy light to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Rescue Activity Lv.1200% DPS10sOcean Keeper
Jumps towards the target to inflict damage and creates a safe zone, puts enemies in a downed state.
Risk Elimination Lv.1145% DPS9.8sOffice Supply
Installs multiple wires around the target to inflict damage. Puts enemies in a downed state.
Royal Straight Flush Lv.3190% DPS9sFantasia
Throws 5 magic cards in order. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Sanctuary Lv.1180% DPS9.4sMagnificat
Summons holy sanctuary. Puts enemies in downed state.
Sand Castle Wave Lv.1180% DPS9.3sLoyal Shovel
Creates sand castles to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Sand Storm Lv.2138% DPS7.5sGigantic Fist
Creates an earth type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Sand Storm Lv.3141% DPS7.5sDragon Tooth Claw
Dryad Sword
Creates an earth type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Sand Storm Lv.4144% DPS7.5sHarvest Staff
Creates an earth type cyclone. Puts enemies in downed state.
Scarlet Impact Lv.3250% DPS9sEclipse
Blows up concentrated energy to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an injured state.
Screw Punch Lv.1160% DPS10sIfrit
Throws a fiery punch to inflict damage to enemies in her way, and puts enemies in a downed state.
Shotgun Fire Lv.1125% DPS5.5sMedic Bio Rifle
Fires a special bullet. Puts enemies in injured state.
Sleigh Air Support Lv.1165% DPS10sTerminator
Calls for Air Support to inflict damage to a wider range. Puts enemies in downed state.
Soul Carving Lv.3270% DPS9.5sSerendipity
Unleashes power to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Spear Impact Lv.4320% DPS7sJustice
Blasts a spear of justice. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Spirit Gun255% DPS11.6sInfinite Change
Gathers and launches magical energy to inflict ranged damage to enemies, puts them in a(n) downed state.
Star Rain Lv.3213% DPS10.4sCelestial Orb
Drops meteors from the sky to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Starlight Finale Lv.1130% DPS10sLittle Star
Sends a glowing sword slash to the enemy to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an injured state.
Stinger Lv.1160% DPS7.5sInnocent
Stabs enemies in a fabulous fashion. Puts enemies in downed state.
Summon Phoenix Lv.394% DPS5sShape of Flame Bow
Summons a phoenix that charges forward. Inflicts fire type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Summon Phoenix Lv.496% DPS5sFlame Wing Staff
Summons a phoenix that charges forward. Inflicts fire type damage. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Support Fire Lv.2174% DPS8sForest Hunter Bow
Rain down arrows to enemies. Puts enemies in injured state.
Support Fire Lv.3178% DPS8sAncient Elf’s Bow
Rain down arrows to enemies. Puts enemies in injured state.
Sylvan Resonance Lv.1160% DPS9.1sOdyssey
Fires forest purification energy to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Tempest of Time and Space Lv.3180% DPS13.5sLiberator
Creates a giant tempest of Times and Space. Puts enemies in injured state.
Thunder Rain Lv.1115% DPS8.5sPermission Denied
Rains down thunder charged with power of darkness around the target to inflict damage. Puts enemies in a(n) downed state.
Thunder Shower Lv.1130% DPS11sLibera Type.B
Rain down lightning arrows on the target repeatedly to inflict damage. Puts enemies in an airborne state.
Thunder Strike Lv.2179% DPS8.5sLibera
Strikes the target and nearby enemies with powerful lightning. Puts enemies in airborne state.
Thunderbird Lv.1140% DPS7sThousand Thunder
Summons a holy bird that rules over rain and wind to inflict damage to enemies in front. Puts enemies in downed state.
Time Travel Lv.2164% DPS7.5sAlien Rifle
Attacks enemies by cooperating with yourself from a different timeline. Puts enemies in downed state.
Time Travel Lv.5176% DPS7.5sMad Panda Minigun
Attacks enemies by cooperating with yourself from a different timeline. Puts enemies in downed state.
Touch of Afterlife Guide Lv.3215% DPS9.3sFurfur
Pulls the target underground and inflicts melee damage, and put in downed state.
Turbo Explosion Lv.3178% DPS8sTurbo Power Rifle
Shoots condensed light energy. Puts enemies in downed state.
Two Handed Boomerang Lv.2208% DPS8.5sContracted Two-Handed Sword
Throws a two-handed sword like a boomerang. Puts enemies in downed state.
Two-Handed Boomerang Lv.2208% DPS8.5sParasol Two-handed Sword
Throws a two-handed sword like a boomerang. Puts enemies in downed state.
Two-Handed Boomerang Lv.3216% DPS8.5sGalaxy Two-Handed Sword
Throws a two-handed sword like a boomerang. Puts enemies in downed state.
Ultimate Fire Bomb Lv.1175% DPS10.4sRefiner’s Flame
Shoots a condensed fire bomb to inflict melee damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Ultimate Ice Flame Bomb160% DPS8.5sPride of Fighter
Creates and throws an ice flame bomb. Puts enemies in downed state.
Umbrella Shot Lv.1160% DPS10.2sGunbrella
Fires a barrage of bullets from an umbrella to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
Unyielding Palm Lv.3215% DPS9.2sSecret Book of the Shen Mountain Fist
Slams a giant palm to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
Venom Claw Lv.1165% DPS6sEarth’s Fang Claw
Launches consecutive attacks while moving forward. Puts enemies in injured state.
Venom Explosion Lv.2184% DPS8.5sVenom Gauntlet
Throws a punch filled with toxic substances. Puts enemies in injured state.
Venom Punch Lv.1135% DPS6sBlack Spider Gauntlet
Launches consecutive attacks while moving forward. Puts enemies in injured state.
Violent Axe Lv.1160% DPS9.5sParashu
Throws an axe to deal continuous melee damage around enemies. Puts enemies in a(n) injured state.
Viper Bite Lv.1125% DPS10sBlack Mamba
Launches exploding missiles to inflict damage, and puts enemies in an injured state.
Volcanic Eruptions Lv.1219% DPS8.5sVolcano’s Fury Claw
Rushes towards enemies and causes a powerful explosion. Puts enemies in downed state.
Volcanic Eruptions Lv.2225% DPS8.5sVolcano Punch
Rushes towards enemies and causes a powerful explosion. Puts enemies in downed state.
Water Bomb Festival Lv.1145% DPS8sBlue Spear
Installs a water balloon cannon and bombards enemies to inflict damage. Puts enemies in an airborne state.
Water Dolphin Lv.1175% DPS10.3sNereid
Summons a dolphin to inflict damage around the target, and puts enemies in an injured state.
Water Strike114% DPS6sOctopus Basket
Summons a tidal wave that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.
Water Strike Lv.2112% DPS6sFrost Drop Bow
Summons a tidal wave that moves forward. Puts enemies in downed state.