Global/KR Japan
Name Marianne
Released February 28, 2020 (GL/KR)
October 6, 2021 (Japan)
Age 21
Height 132cm
Weight 29kg
Element Earth
Role Ranged
Equipment Rifle


Marianne is a famed exoskeleton engineer in Teatan kingdom. Teatans are known for their wits and adorable appearances - with cute animal ears and child-like height. Marianne isn't exactly a fan of her size. But instead of sulking over it, she builds weapons bigger than anyone.

She is a one-in-a-billion genius and she knows it. She is a perfectionist and a workaholic. It's not unusual for her to be stuck in her workshop for days without responding to anyone.

She is arrogant, but knows when to admire others. What she'll never do is admit someone is smarter than her.


Obtainable at 2

Max Awakened Stats Lv.86

Rank: 103/140
ATK 915
Rank: 100/140
HP 39034
Rank: 82/140
DEF 235
Rank: 13/140
Crit Chance 5
Rank: 14/140
Damage Reduction 25
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Fire Resistance -30%
Water Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Missile Shooter
Fires a missile that penetrates enemies.

Chain Ability


Concentrated Fire
Calls for a massive missile strike that inflicts 350% of DPS damage.

Special Ability
Prepared Launch
Atk increases by 25% for 4 second(s) if she doesn't attack for 3 second(s).
Passives[Party] Earth Atk +46.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Merciless Legend Rifle 2984-3277 DPS
Earth Atk 471-517 Magazine Size 4Crit Hit Chance 3%Def +20.0%HP +18.0%Weapon Skill Regen Speed +16.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Engineer Marianne only]
Fires an enhanced missile that inflicts additional 100% damage with 25% chance.
Weapon Skill Lv +3

[Sub-Options] (Max 1)Damage Reduction 35.0

Destructive Fire Lv.2

Atk: 276% DPS
Regen time: 10.5 seconds

Attacks enemies with all sorts of weapons. Puts enemies in downed state.

Awakening Materials


594 564 444 120 36

410 390 294 54 0

262 252 180 24 0

525 480 360 198 78

360 330 234 114 36

201 186 114 36 0

705 660 264 264 102

486 456 144 144 42

285 270 42 42 0

175 157 80 48 13

109 97 39 23 2

62 56 17 7 0

87 21 3 3 0
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  • Ayuna#9079

    October 8, 2022

    Bro, why does her japanese version look like that??

  • ThePhantomWolf

    October 21, 2021



    September 28, 2021

    Hi heaven hold before i say my request good morning <3 abd thank you for analyzing heroes and giving us builds but is it okay if you put a thumbs up on marianne?
    it is ; Weapon skill can start a chain pretty fast and does insane damge and is aoe
    and : ex weapon allows her to deal more damge than other range heroes ( since it allows her to deall 100% more damage so basically 757 + 757 = 1507 – based on mlb marianne) thank you in advance


      September 28, 2021

      and* sorry for my horrible grammar

      • VEDAPIRE

        September 28, 2021

        fogot to add this thumbs up : pretty decent survivability
        Thumbs down : special ability onlly works if she dosent attack for 3 seconds

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Global/KR Japan
Name Marianne
Released February 28, 2020 (GL/KR)
October 6, 2021 (Japan)
Age 21
Height 132cm
Weight 29kg
Element Earth
Role Ranged
Equipment Rifle