Global/KR Japan
Name Lynn
Released January 28, 2021 (Korea)
February 9, 2021 (Global)
January 12, 2022 (Japan)
Age 23
Height 146cm
Weight 43kg
Element Fire
Role Warrior
Equipment One-Handed Sword


Lynn is a chef running a bento shop in Shen City.

She's a chef using monster meat as the main ingredient. Lynn's shop was doing quite well until one customer's review bomb completely decimated her business overnight. That night, while on her way back home after drinking her sorrow away, she rescued a child almost getting run over by an automobile and got fatally injured. After miraculously waking up, she somehow gained insight into cooking and operating a shop, and decided to try again one last time.

Lynn's misfortune started way before her shop went bankrupt; she is truly the incarnation of bad luck. The restaurant run by her parents went bankrupt during the time of clashes between the Tiger clan and the Viper clan. Every other little diner Lynn started to work at went straight bankrupt. Eventually, she had no choice but to go learn how to cook from an old chef she met in the first diner she worked. Since everything goes south when she tries to do anything, she got into the habit of drinking tea and getting drunk every day to soothe the bitterness.

She loves every kind of tea, but her favorite is Shen City's most beloved grain tea. When she drinks tea she'll befriend anyone next to her, and get into a fight with the person next to them the following moment. She's lively and friendly when she's drunk, but always anxious when she's sober. The same thing goes for her combats; with her drinks, she gets more powerful, full of confidence, and without any hesitation. It's hard to tell if she's performing martial arts or she's just too drunk to control her body when she fights, and that Is her own signature 'Drunken Swordsmanship' move.


Obtainable at 3

Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 34/140
ATK 1742
Rank: 38/140
HP 70490
Rank: 6/140
DEF 542
Rank: 69/140
Crit Chance 0
Rank: 42/140
Damage Reduction 0
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Water Resistance -30%
Earth Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Drunken Chef
Drunken Swordsmanship: Uses sword technique that consumes energy to inflict melee damage.
Flame Martial Arts: Breathes fire and inflicts melee damage to enemies, and increases Atk by 30% for 4 seconds.

Chain Ability


Throwing Dagger
Throws a dagger to inflict 320% of DPS as melee damage.

Special Ability
Energy Restoration
Damage taken is reduced by 30% when energy is full or while restoring energy.
Passives[Party] Melee Atk +50.0%
Skill Damage +18.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Red Lotus Epic One-Handed Sword 3071-3372 DPS
Fire Atk 966-1060 Crit Hit Chance 6%Def +10.0%HP +10.0%Skill Damage +10.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Drunken Swordmaster Lynn only]
On hit, sets enemy on fire and inflicts 100% of DPS of injury damage. Activates once every 4 seconds.
Weapon Skill Lv +4

[Sub-Options] (Max 1)Weapon Skill Regen Speed +10.0%

Drunken Swordsmanship Frenzy

Atk: 175% DPS
Regen time: 9.6 seconds

Performs a sword dance to inflict damage to nearby enemies, and put them in downed state.

Awakening Materials


648 618 468 276

434 414 294 150

244 234 144 48

642 612 402 258

434 414 246 138

250 240 114 42

618 558 348 180

266 396 228 102

436 246 120 36

170 152 91 65

109 97 38 18

59 53 16 2

87 21 0 0

Banner History

Stat Priority

2Crit Hit Chance
3Weapon Skill Regen Speed
4Skill Damage
7Damage Reduction
Atk and Crit Hit Chance are taken over Weapon Skill Regen Speed since she's not as reliant on her weapon skill for damage and survivability. Most of her damage comes from her Flame Martial Arts ability.
Melee Support
2Crit Hit Chance
5Skill Damage
6Damage Reduction
7Weapon Skill Regen Speed
When not being used as a lead, there's less benefits to Skill Damage, so defensive stats take priority. Weapon Skill Regen Speed is dropped since she won't be using her weapon skill.

Suggested Weapon

Red LotusHer exclusive weapon which does a lot of damage thanks to the exclusive weapon passive it has.
ArmadaAn arena strategic choice. Used to subvert expectations, as opponents can use injury negation cards to try countering Lynn. Has higher defensive stats, but you lose out on the matching element bonus. The weapon skill is weaker than Red Lotus and has a longer cooldown than when Marina uses it.

Suggested Accessory

Minotaur’s NecklaceGives her the highest possible offensive potential.
Ruby Mirror RingA more defensive choice.
Sharp ShooterThe next best offensive option after Minotaur's Necklace. Lacks Weapon Skill Regen Speed and has lower defensive stats.
Gold Pocket WatchA good and accessible defensive choice that has high Weapon Skill Regen Speed, making it suitable when running her as a lead or using her in arena.

Suggested Cards

2x AtkGives her consistent damage.
2x CritFor higher potential damage, but less consistent.
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  • tilo lock

    May 26, 2021

    NO BUILD !?@#$%^&*()_+{}|:”

    • Swordz

      August 14, 2021

      You really do have a mental illness, don’t you? What are you, a ten-year-old? How many keyboards have you smashed?

      • jinx

        August 14, 2021

        you don’t know your keyboard do you?

  • thisisinaccuratelol

    May 24, 2021

    She’s fairly lackluster in colo and pve yet has a 8.5 and 9.25?

    • Ramudo

      May 24, 2021

      I don’t have her personally, but the amount of time the website team takes to find the data for these characters is extensive. There’s probably a reason she’s that high, I just probably couldn’t tell you why.

  • Nullified

    April 1, 2021

    isn’t she from Final Fantasy XIII? lol april fools gg

    • Nullified

      April 2, 2021

      whoops, i meant to post this on the april fools hero

  • Digital004

    February 9, 2021

    I feel so sorry for her that everyone was hype about her until Future Knight news from KR server steals her spotlight and no one seems to care her anymore …..

  • Energy?

    February 9, 2021

    What do they mean by:
    “Damage taken is reduced by 30% when energy is full or while restoring energy.”
    What is energy?

    • Jester

      February 10, 2021

      She has an energy bar that is used when she attacks. My understanding of it is that basically any time she isn’t attacking she has a 30% Def buff. Not bad at all paired with her already high def.

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Global/KR Japan
Name Lynn
Released January 28, 2021 (Korea)
February 9, 2021 (Global)
January 12, 2022 (Japan)
Age 23
Height 146cm
Weight 43kg
Element Fire
Role Warrior
Equipment One-Handed Sword