Global/KR Japan
Name Garam
Released November 18, 2020 (Korea)
December 1, 2020 (Global)
November 30, 2021 (Japan)
Age ?
Height 184cm
Weight 76kg
Element Water
Role Ranged
Equipment Bow


Garam is a nine-tailed fox sage.

He became a sage after a long, long training in the fox cave. As Nari's old friend, supporter, and competitor, he wields more powerful magic than Nari since he has one extra tail than her.

While Nari was in a deep, long sleep inside a stone statue, Garam travelled the world with Dallae, who had nowhere to go, and nurtured those in need. However, the greedy humans, who got help from Garam, pulled a scheme to steal Sage's magic which ultimately led to Dallae's death. Garam got engulfed in sorrow and rage and went on a frenzy. Nari, awakened from her sleep, alleviated Garam's frenzy and reminded him about the duty as a sage, and Garam finally calmed himself down and went on a path of training to once again uphold his duty as a sage. This time, he hopes to learn to control himself and his power through archery, and he aims to nurture a wider world with his warm heart without settling at one place.

After training for ages in the mountains, Garam had no idea what was going on with the world. It's a shock that there are now so many people wielding magic. So many things are incomprehensible or seems without obvious purposes, no matter how much he looks at them. Magic is the only conclusion Garam can come up with when encountering all these advanced technology. He is especially sure that Sohee is a some kind of ill-tempered sage.


Obtainable at 3

Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 5/140
ATK 1957
Rank: 57/140
HP 66313
Rank: 116/140
DEF 163
Rank: 69/140
Crit Chance 0
Rank: 42/140
Damage Reduction 0
Rank: 6/140
Heal 1512
Earth Resistance -30%
Fire Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Inflicts ranged damage with either a bow or a basket and restores allies' HP.

Chain Ability


Spirit Tornado
Shoots spirit arrows that inflict 475% of DPS as ranged damage.

Special Ability
One with Nature
With a bow equipped, Atk increases by 20%.
With a basket equipped, normal attack's Heal doubles.
Passives[Party] Water Atk +50.0%
+5.0% shield increase on battle start
Skill Damage +6.0%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +8.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Ocean Gale Epic Basket 4896-5376 DPS
Water Atk 1166-1280 Heal 2027Crit Hit Chance 5.0%HP +18.0%Heal +24.0%Skill Damage +16.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Def +10.0%

[Nine-tailed Fox Garam only]
When equipped, the Hero's abilities will adjust to fit the weapon.
- Even when not the party leader, the weapon skill can still be used, but only 20% of damage and Aliment will be applied.
- Party Effects will change to Increase Weapon Skill Regen Speed and Skill Damage.
- Normal Attack will change to Offing.
- Chain Skill will change to Water Tornado.
- Special Ability will change to Flowing Water.
Weapon Skill Lv +3

[Sub-Options] (Max )Def +18.0%

Hydro Bomb Lv.3

Atk: 220% DPS
Regen time: 8.4 seconds

Shoots a ball of water that spreads up to three targets to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.

Awakening Materials


522 492 312 144

386 366 222 96

250 240 132 48

810 750 480 288

590 540 324 180

370 330 168 72

648 618 408 216

416 396 228 84

250 240 114 18

162 144 118 44

106 94 74 19

61 55 41 5

87 21 21 3

Banner History

Stat Priority

1Weapon Skill Regen Speed
3Crit Hit Chance
4Skill Damage
7Damage Reduction
As with most leads, Weapon Skill Regen Speed is key to maximize how quickly and frequently your weapon skill can be used, which in turn allows you to chain faster. Attack is the next highest priority due to how well it scales with his already high amount.
General DPS (Not Lead)
2Crit Hit Chance
3Skill Damage
6Weapon Skill Regen Speed
7Damage Reduction
This build assumes you have no intention of leading Garam, and just want him normal attacking from the backline. Very similar to the above, except Weapon Skill Regen Speed is dropped as it no longer applies.

Suggested Weapon

Thousand ThunderThe overall best choice for Garam. Maximizes his damage output with the exclusive weapon passive.
MarauderA good second choice for Garam if you don't have Thousand Thunder and aren't using him as a Lead, since the weapon skill isn't compatible with his chain ability. It gives him the matching element bonus he needs to utilize his own party buff.
Nest of White DragonThe best basket Garam can use if you plan to use him as a healer, as it's the highest attack water basket available, making the most use of his party buff. The fact that its weapon skill is incompatible with his chain does not matter as you would never lead Garam with a basket anyway. This suggestion is really only if you happen to have this basket, as it's a huge waste of gold to buy, and Garam is not particularly great at healing to begin with.
Ocean BasketAn easier to obtain option for healer Garam than the Nest of White Dragon, and it works well on him for similar reasons.

Suggested Accessory

Sharp ShooterStandard option for a pure glass cannon build, or if you aren't leading Garam. It has low toughness and no Weapon Skill Regen Speed, but gives Crit Hit chance which can increase his damage output significantly.
Minotaur’s NecklaceArguably better than Sharp Shooter, but is much harder to get good stat rolls on, and even harder to MLB.
Gold Pocket WatchGood base Def and up to 10% Weapon Skill Regen Speed, which is really good in Arena for strategies that involve running until you can use your weapon skill.
Mirror Earring of WorshipA little less toughness due to the lower base Def than Gold Pocket Watch but results in higher damage output.

Suggested Cards

2x Atk CardsTakes advantage of Garam's already high attack for a consistent damage boost.
2x Crit Hit Chance CardsCan be better if you're using Sharp Shooter to stack higher Crit Hit Chance.
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  • sla

    October 13, 2022

    Meu time:AA72,GARAM,ORCA,MARINA.
    meu esta bom?,como posso melhorá-lo?

  • Kk

    October 23, 2021

    Why you recommend Nest of White Dragon and didn’t have Favi’s Exclusive Weapon? That Book has higher Water Type ATK and Heal Stat than Nest of White Dragon.

  • Matcha

    October 23, 2021

    My team currently has Garam, Mk.99 and Future Princess. Could someone recommend me who I should get for the 4th slot? Or should I make some changes to my team? Garam is leading because he has the highest DPS.

  • Token

    August 22, 2021

    Should I add Garam to my team?
    My team is Fp, Fk, Elenaor and nari

    • meninzera

      August 22, 2021

      Nop, there’s no sinergy on him with your team.
      You could change Nari or FP for Mk.99. If you plan to keep Eleanor, of course.
      You could replace Eleanor for Idol Captain Eva. Solid basic team strat, but no that meta anymore.
      You can also change Eleanor for Gabriel. Decent damage with heals.
      One last thing, Garam doesn’t work well without Oghma cuz he’s too fragile.

      • Kitsune lord

        August 23, 2021

        By synergy, do you mean Chain skills? Because he has the same Chain skill as Fk, just with more damage. (He also heals, unlike FK (Unless you give her a healing card), so it can be useful in Unrecorded World part 2)

        • Bruh

          August 24, 2021

          Garam party skill is increasing water attack so if you add him to a mixed element team, only Garam would benefit from it

        • meninzera

          August 24, 2021

          Thanks bruh for your answer.
          You can go all on Garam by having Nari or Mk.99 as his partner.
          I would not recommend Bianca as she drops Garam’s potential considerably.
          Garam can melt FP quite easy if paired with +50% ranged hero (colo).
          Right now Garam is a lone wolf, until a water hero with 50% ranged is released.

        • meninzera

          August 24, 2021

          Forgot to mention… his healing is completely irrelevant while using his bow.

          • Kitsune lord

            August 24, 2021

            Lol I already know that he can’t heal with a bow. Plus, you could’ve told this person what water teammates could go with Garam, but you do you, I guess

          • Inphernix

            September 30, 2021

            I dont know why everyone assumes Garam cant heal when using a bow. The fact is, yes he can. He may only heal half as much as when using a basket, but his final shot of each combo still produces a healing buff for everyone on the team. In fact, on my PvE team, he’s my range attack/healer, and hes equipped with a bow. I just give him 2 heal cards to boost his heal rate, and give him a team with 2 tanks, so his squishy nature isn’t an issue. They block, he nails the enemy and every few shots heals the whole team. So, in fact he can heal. He heals more with a basket, because of his passive, but he still heals with a bow. You just have to compensate for the loss in intensity with cards.

        • meninzera

          August 24, 2021

          I gave him suggestions around his current team…
          What goes well with Garam, you ask, there are some options:
          Garam, Bianca, Marina, Oghma
          Garam, Miya, Oghma, FP
          Garam, Bianca, Mk, FP
          You could give some hints, too!

          • Token

            September 12, 2021

            One thingy though, Garam doesn’t just benefit water type heros, he also benefit water attacks. For example, if you gave Bari a water basket, even though she is earth type, if Garam is on the team then she gets a attack boost as long as she has the basket equipped. So if a member on my team has a water basket/sword/gun/basket, they will still get the benefit.

          • Token

            September 12, 2021

            Also, I forgot to mention staffs too, (FK and FP are the only heros in my party that can use staffs). So yeah, just pointing that out, not trying to criticize your words, but I will consider your advice and might make some changes to my party. Thank you for at least trying to help.

  • Lulu

    July 15, 2021

    Are those numbers for defense awakening stones for real? Why does he require a lot more defence stones than tanks? You sure those aren’t for attack?

    • YoAb

      August 23, 2021

      si, son exactos, y si este ocupa mas piedras del despertar de defensa que un tanque, es por que los tanques levan los stats de defensa directamente en el personaje en vez de extraerlo directamente del despertar unu

  • Garam

    May 17, 2021

    Why is Garam considered S-Tier on here for Story, Guild Raid, Kama-ZONE, Orbital Lift, and Towers yet he’s 9.75/10 instead of 10? Makes no sense since the other top heroes aren’t solid S for PVE content except for Beth.

    • Cabbage

      May 18, 2021

      dhat do you mean? the only ones with a score as good as his are beth and miya and both of them are also ranked S in all of those. Garam is just a little bit behind because he’s so squishy that he can die too fast in some of those scenarios, and also his team buff is more restricted

    • TripleQGaming

      May 18, 2021

      If you have a question on hero ratings, you can go to our Discord using the link I will provide below and go to #heroes and ask around.
      Discord link:

  • Austin

    April 7, 2021

    Why isn’t Ice Queen Ring listed as a suggested accessory?

    • meninzera

      July 1, 2021

      Probably because it’s almost impossible to get it…

  • KirigayaAra

    March 18, 2021


  • Wisely

    March 1, 2021

    “As Nari’s old friend, supporter, and competitor, he wields more powerful magic than Nari since he has one extra tail than her” the poor girl- but either way, in the lore for NARI it says something about having to use her bead for magic BECAUSE she only has 8 tails? Also, Garam uses a bow AND basket, but Nari solely uses a basket? These two are very c o n f u s i n g help me

    • TripleQGaming

      March 2, 2021

      Garam can use both a bow and a basket because for starters, in the Folktale side story you can see that Garam used a Sage Bead to fix problems of the villagers. He can use a bow because, well, he learned to do archery is a mountain, probably Mt. Shivering because 1. It’s really the only mountain around and 2. He’s a recurring character in Nightmare World 8 – Mt. Shivering.

  • Concerned

    December 11, 2020

    Hello, pls update his ranking b4 the update ends plsss. We rely on ur lists for to get & who not to get!!

    • Mike

      December 11, 2020

      Take some time to read the below comments. There’s a lot here to let you know whether or not you should go for him.

    • Heavenhold

      December 11, 2020

      We did it for you. 🙂

  • Mint

    December 11, 2020

    For Garam, I recommend using him with Bianca. These two have the best synergy together and will deal insane amounts of damage. Tank is also mandatory, because both of these two needs all the toughness they can get. While Marina is a water hero and benefits from Garam’s party buff, as a tank damage is not a priority. Instead, Oghma is a better choice because of his special ability which will boost heroes like Garam who has abysmal defense stat. Of course, you can go for double tank instead since Garam and Bianca is all the damage you need. You can go for Garam-Bianca-Oghma-Marina/FP. The fourth slot can also be a healer instead such as Miya, but since Garam can also heal, it is situational. Or it can be a hero with range party buff like Nari, Coco or Rachel. Although these two are the best options for the fourth slot in a DPS team, neither of them are perfect as Nari does not benefit from Garam’s party buff, meanwhile Rachel and Coco rare heroes and have limited potential. All in all, Garam and Bianca along with Marina or Oghma will be the core of the team, and the fourth slot will depend on the situation. If you do not have Bianca, I do not advise raising Garam even if he is the highest DPS unit in the game right now with 60k DPS. Bari is still more suitable for rainbow teams, as she can be used in any team.

    • Mint

      December 11, 2020

      > hero with range party buff like Nari, Coco* or Rachel
      *Coco is skill damage party buff
      > Although these two* are the best options
      *these three

      Added Coco in last minute and forgot to adjust the rest of the sentences.

  • Daniel

    December 7, 2020

    when will the ratings come out? is he worth leveling and so on? or should I stick to Lupina’s stones?

    • meninzera

      December 7, 2020

      I’m gonna pair him with Nari and Marina… is he good, though? No idea.

      • Daniel

        December 7, 2020

        Yeah, that’s exactly my idea, but I haven’t done that yet and I don’t kno if that will be good

      • Mike

        December 7, 2020

        I think he’ll be good but not amazing. High attack with piercing is great for colo and PVE. I think he really needs a team to be built around him to really make him shine though. Garam, Marina, Rachel, Bianca would be a real solid team. Slide in Favi if needing some heelz.

        And the only reason I say “not amazing” is because I’m a huge fan of skill damage buffers like Bari. I really like the universal utility and not being locked to one element. But I think that’s the only downfall.

    • Heavenhold

      December 7, 2020

      Garam’s a very powerful DPS, he has the highest damage potential of any hero out right now.

      If you’re already working on Lupina, I would suggest holding out for the next hero who was essentially made to go with her, otherwise you can consider making a team around Garam.

      • Mike

        December 7, 2020

        ^ This ^

        If you want to build around him, or really love him as a character, go for him. If you’re F2P like I am, you’re better off trying to round out the teams you already have. If I were you, I’d keep working Lupina knowing that the next new hero will really kick it off for her. Personally I’m going all in on the next one because I know it will complement my Eugene for my super melee side team so Garam is an easy pass.

        • meninzera

          December 7, 2020

          What do you plan to do? Eugene, Beth, Lapice, Princess?

          • Mike

            December 8, 2020

            Eugene, Beth, Marina, and switching between Future Princess or Lahn depending on content.

    • Mike

      December 9, 2020

      I mean you could just put him on the training thingy auto max and just see how he does for yourself taking acc who he does well with.

  • Mike

    December 2, 2020

    Water powerhouse. I’ll take it!

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Global/KR Japan
Name Garam
Released November 18, 2020 (Korea)
December 1, 2020 (Global)
November 30, 2021 (Japan)
Age ?
Height 184cm
Weight 76kg
Element Water
Role Ranged
Equipment Bow