Global/KR Japan
Name Princess
Released November 4, 2020 (Korea)
November 17, 2020 (Global)
January 26, 2022 (Japan)
Age 20
Height 161cm
Weight 47kg
Element Light
Role Tanker
Equipment Staff


She was the little princess of Kanterbury. You'll meet her on Heavenhold after 10 years have passed. The little princess who used to dash around the Heavenhold now became an adult.

You, the Guardian took the adventure to the Rah Empire then never came back. It made the little princess anxious. She remembered leaving cheerful message to you when you called through the Rah Empire's payphone. You seemed fine to her back then. Whatever happened to you worried the princess. As she was very sure that the Emperor and the people of Rah Empire did some horrible stuff to you, Aisha arrived at the Heavenhold announcing the alliance between Rah Empire and Kanterbury Kingdom. Aisha and Shapira replied that they thought the Guardian already returned to Heavenhold.

The little princess couldn't possibly understand this sudden farewell. No one taught her that you have to accept the things you cannot understand. So the princess just waited and waited. Her knight always came back and greeted her first. There's no way her knight would have forgotten the duties they have promised to fulfill. The mischievous kids in Heavenhold bullied the princess telling her that 'Your knight ran away,' or 'Your sister and the Knight ran away cuz they hate you.' She drove those kids away, with such great vigor, and then got back to the Inn to shed the tears. The sound of her sorrow made even Loraine sad. Rumors spread among the champions. Some said you have died. Some said you have run away. Some said you were still fulfilling the duty as the Guardian. The princess trusted no one. Only the princess was confident that the astray Guardian would come back. The moment her long and the most strong conviction was shattered, the princess couldn't possibly handle the pain.

Princess' tears for the missing person slowly turned into tears of hatred over the years. There were so many tragedies that could have been prevented if you was there. Heavenhold now became the last line of defense for humanity. Friends struck down leaving only names and graves, and the enemies never gave chance to mourn their death. Princess Is now a soldier protecting the remaining humans and also the leader of the Resistance to bring back the forsaken world. Through the training of Knight Captain Eva, the little princess grew up to be a resolute leader. Yet how tragic it is that her innocent smile is now replaced with such strictness and a little bit of fatigue.


Obtainable at 3

Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 83/140
ATK 1367
Rank: 22/140
HP 72394
Rank: 75/140
DEF 263
Rank: 69/140
Crit Chance 0
Rank: 42/140
Damage Reduction 0
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Basic Resistance -30%
Dark Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Dimensional Control
Dimension Breaker: Either inflicts ranged damage with a staff or inflicts melee damage with staff and shield both equipped.
Dimension Shield: Taunts nearby enemies and increases nearby allies' Def by 30% for 5 seconds.

Chain Ability


Dimension Barrier
Creates a barrier for all allies that negates the damage of 3 hit(s) from enemies for 20 second(s), restores HP by 10%.

Special Ability
Time Acceleration
On hit, increases moving speed, weapon skill regen speed, Dimension Breaker's attacking speed by 20% for 2 second(s).
Passives[Party] HP +40.0%
Skill Atk +17.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Liberator Epic Staff 2720 DPS
Light Atk 864 Crit Hit Chance 5%HP +20.0%Skill Damage +15.0%Weapon Skill Regen Speed +20.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Future Princess only]
On hit, inflicts 30% of DPS by 30% chance, restores all Party members' HP by 2%
Weapon Skill Lv +4

[Sub-Options] (Max 1)Def +15.0%

Tempest of Time and Space Lv.3

Atk: 180% DPS
Regen time: 13.5 seconds

Creates a giant tempest of Times and Space. Puts enemies in injured state.

Awakening Materials


510 465 360 180

330 300 216 81

195 180 117 27

672 672 462 126

504 504 336 84

336 336 210 42

723 663 558 390

466 426 342 216

236 216 153 69

168 150 95 48

112 100 58 23

68 62 33 9

87 21 9 3

Banner History

Stat Priority

1Weapon Skill Regen Speed
5Skill Damage
6Crit Hit Chance
7Damage Reduction
This build focuses on two things, chaining and survivability. Future Princess is known for her ability to chain bosses and opponents in Arena quickly, effectively stunning a large area due to the radius of her weapon skill. Weapon Skill Regen Speed makes it so she can do this as quickly and frequently as possible, stacking with her special ability.
Support Tank/Healer
4Crit Hit Chance
5Weapon Skill Regen Speed
6Skill Damage
7Damage Reduction
While not recommended, if you plan to use Future Princess without leading her, then you don't want the Weapon Skill Regen Speed or Skill Damage since her chain doesn't do damage and she won't be using her weapon skill. Not leading her also means you're wasting the Weapon Skill Regen Speed from her special ability. That being said, she can be useful without leading her as a healer/off tank if your team is lacking in either department.

It's important to note, the Heal stat does not affect Future Princess' ability to heal. It's also worth noting that her chain ability does do a tiny hit on one target, so Skill Damage may not entirely be useless - but the hit is so negligible that it's still recommended to prioritize Weapon Skill Regen Speed over it when rolling equipment, just in case you decide to lead her once in a while.

Suggested Weapon

LiberatorHer exclusive weapon is her best option, all things considered. Good source of Weapon Skill Regen Speed which works well with her special ability, on top of a strong weapon skill and the exclusive passive that gives her the ability to heal. In PvE and Colosseum there is no reason to use anything else.
AmarokA dark staff compatible with her chain ability that could potentially be used to counter basic enemies, or if you don't have Liberator. Its Weapon Skill Regen Speed works well with her special ability and its weapon skill can be used more frequently than Liberator. The weapon skill fires in cardinal directions but can be used while running, has a long range, and chains after 2 hits.
Witch HeartA water staff compatible with her chain ability, best used with Garam because of his water attack party buff. Its Weapon Skill Regen Speed works well with her special ability to buff its weapon skill, Blizzard, allowing her to achieve a shorter cooldown than Coco on top of being able to land it easier thanks to her increased movement speed. Blizzard has a shorter cooldown than Liberator's weapon skill and casts much quicker.
JusticeA light staff that can be used if you don't have Liberator for the matching element bonus. Has a short weapon skill cooldown which can be brought even lower with her special ability and equipment to make it spammable, but does not work with her chain ability and lacks the healing and damage boost from Liberator's exclusive passive.

Suggested Shield

Captain’s Mirror ShieldHas high base Def and the possibility of getting good amounts of all the stats that work well on her such as Weapon Skill Regen Speed, Skill Damage, Atk, Def, and HP. It can be farmed in Mirror Rift, so there's no luck involved in getting it to MLB, but it requires a lot of Option Change Stones and luck to roll good stats due to the large number of sub options.
Advance ShieldSimilar to Captain's Mirror Shield, but has higher defensive stats at the cost of lower offensive stats. You can buy this in the Weapons tab of the shop, but it can be very expensive and arguably not worth it to MLB.
Minotaur’s ShieldBest tank shield in the game, and you can MLB it with legend hammers, but you lose out on damage and Weapon Skill Regen Speed which work well on her.
Mirror ShieldGreat starter option that is easy to MLB with pretty good defensive stats and a lot of Weapon Skill Regen Speed.
Elphaba’s Smile ShieldThis shield would purely be used for its insanely high Weapon Skill Regen Speed, which can help her chain before other Future Princess leads in Colosseum. The trade off is that its defensive stats are quite low compared to any of the above shields.

Suggested Accessory

Mirror Earring of FaithBest in slot, has good amounts of all the stats that work well on her such as Weapon Skill Regen Speed, Skill Damage, Atk, Def, and HP. It can be farmed in Mirror Rift, so there's no luck involved in getting it to MLB, but it requires a lot of Option Change Stones and luck to roll good stats due to the large number of sub options.
Minotaur’s NecklaceA more offensive option, has higher potential offensive stats but at the cost of some Weapon Skill Regen Speed and a significant amount of defensive stats. Difficult to MLB, and rolling stats with option stones can result in the wrong element.
Earth NecklaceSituational arena option to negate the effects of Def decreasing abilities, such as Nari's normal attacks.
Ring of FortressPurely defensive option that is easy to MLB.
Gold Pocket WatchA great option for her that gives a good balance of offensive and defensive stats, including the Weapon Skill Regen Speed which she severely needs, and is easy to MLB.

Suggested Cards

2x DefIncreases her toughness to help her withstand the damage she will take, since she will be taunting enemies in PvE
2x AtkWhen you need more damage and her survivability is not an issue
2x CritHas a higher damage potential than Atk cards but is less consistent
2x Atk on KillWas useful in Light Tower of Horizon 25 due to the need to clear waves quickly
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  • Diana

    July 10, 2021

    Depresso expresso has SASSS

  • Nino

    June 23, 2021

    im currently using
    Beth Lilith Noxia Miya
    Beth and lilith have ex weaps
    What should I mileage
    Furfur or Shangr La?
    Im using Curiosity Basket to noxia rn
    While miya using The ice vasket in the shop thay cost 1.8M

    • Eclipse

      June 23, 2021

      Furfur. Noxia is used much more in other gamemodes than Miya and it will be more beneficial to get her EX. Miya is just an excellent healer in PVE so if that’s you’re main priority, then you can mileage Shangri La. If you want to progress more in other gamemodes though, Furfur would be a better option.

    • Qubexx

      July 8, 2021

      FP is the best hero

    • theinfo

      February 26, 2022

      Furfur, miya ex is useless imo

  • thisisinaccuratelol

    June 2, 2021

    Its widely known that FP is singlehanded the most broken unit to ever be introduced to the game. But what makes her broken? And is there any way to address it?

    First off, the single thing that makes her usage so high is her weapon skill. With ex, FP can activate the skill in A SINGLE USAGE on player AI units. She is the only unit in the game which is able to do this. Her skill also has a decent AoE.
    Secondly, her passive. It guarantees that she gets her weapon skill that much faster on hit, which is something that she is constantly doing. It also gives movement and attacking speed.
    Thirdly, she is a tank. She has the survivability to continuously stun units in colo and arena with her weapon skill, and her party buff and taunt makes sure that other units on the team are better able to live.
    Fourth, her chain skill improves survivability. In some parts of World 10 and 11, FP is literally a necessary unit because she provides invincibility for all members of the team. In colo and arena, this has less of an effect, but it is still significant.
    Overall, an OP unit in colo and arena. Less so in things like guild raid and higher levels of orbital lift, but still an irreplaceable asset. The fact that she can only be obtained from the gacha is further insult to injury. Newer players or unlucky players may not be able to even compete in these gamemodes.

    So how the hell are the developers supposed to balance this?

    First, lets say they nerf FP. This is a very bad decision for a gacha game. People spent money to get her, and the reputation of the company would fall to rock bottom. It might solve some issues, but it will set a precedent that is NOT beneficial for players or for the company. Not an option.

    Okay, then how about buffing other characters? Again, does not work. Stat buffs do nothing unless it is substantial, which is doubtful to happen. Enhanced recovery frames on attacks or increased attack intervals also do not address FP, since the main issue of her weapon skill exists. Buffing other characters too much will also completely overturn the meta, and then we have the same problem. This will introduce a cycle of buffs which will result in powercreep. Buffing weapon skill levels will just devolve the game into weapon skill regen speed simulator, with whoever can pull skills off first wins. Buffing certain characters could work, for sure. However, I do not have the brain cells or time needed to work every single kink and statistic to actually provide useful advice in how to balance the game. That middle ground between “literally insignificant” and “holy shit thats overpowered” is incredibly small, and I personally do not think it is worth the effort or the time, considering how new characters are introduced a lot.

    Okay, so we can’t nerf her, and we can’t bring up other characters to her level. So what can we do?

    First and most obvious solution: introduce a unit that counters her. “Oh but we have FK and Nari!” That is true. But not really. Even with FK and Nari, FP is still the most used unit in pvp gamemodes (I consider colo pvp). What I’m thinking is a unit that straight up counters the OP aspects of her kit, not just a type advantage. Something like increasing the time needed to proc weapon skill, or providing resistance to injury build up. Something that serves as the injury card to Lynn. It doesn’t entirely cripple her, but it makes her less effective without directly nerfing her. This comes with its own problems though.


    The REAL possible second solution: I don’t fucking know, I’m not a game developer. Give me some ideas guys, I have literally two braincells and one of them is on break right now.

    • lily

      June 3, 2021

      you know that you can easily counter FP with beth? on the same level, beth can easily melt future princess since beth will get more attack if her opponent is a melee

      • lily

        June 3, 2021

        second, you can use a acc with “negate injury damage” substat to help boosting your character survability against her weapon skill

      • Brekfast

        June 3, 2021

        I don’t know what gamemode you are talking about, but at least in arena is the oposite, Fp counters beth, kinda obvious because Fp has type advantage

        • Rafro

          June 14, 2021

          I main Beth, most FP gets melted by her. Beth has type disadvantage, but a lot of passives and negative status inducing. Also FP is an HP tank, so she has comparatively low Def

          • Strem

            July 16, 2021

            idk man the fp’s you’ve been playing against are stupid, fp gets melted if she gets hit by beth’s weapon skill 2 time. Beth skill is pretty easy to avoid tbh, and even if you get hit it can be an opportunity for fp to land her skill. And even without skills, in a simple 1v1 fp will win due to type advantage and her tankiness. So beth can definitely beat fp, but fp will melt her in the majority of the games she will play against beth

    • Shion

      June 4, 2021

      You can literally get her from mileage

    • Inferno Warlord

      September 24, 2021

      You’re over thinking, while she has trinity damage, tank, heal there’s some heroes to counter her not just around Nari and FK, Plitvice has close enough abilities to counter her too (also Plitvice need more buff to stand strong more, she need her attack can ignore defense by 6% imo).

      It may not enough to change her position in meta as long as devs buff other chars that have [abilities can counter] her well not just around element advantages then there’s still hope and chances for mafe players who hate her broken mechanic.
      Also the meta thingy, do you realize those factors not only from devs designs but also from those dull meta players selections with very narrow views? Sure the meta is convince but not everyone dumb to think non meta chars are worthless, there’re cases where mafe players can beat meta players in other game as long as devs of that game know what they’re balancing and lucky Kong Studio devs are in this path for now from what i observe.

      These dull people are all over the games, no matter how much you give balance ideas to devs, they’re still do meta not a bad thing but very annoying, it’s unvoidable factors so don’t focus too much on changing the meta, just focus on buff non meta chars that have abilities can counter meta chars even if they’re still not in the meta list after that, fuck meta, chars no need to be in meta to views as best chars, the rest is obvious it’s up to player’s skillful make difference. Also players who use non meta chars can beat meta players are pro gamer.

      Goes for buff characters solution, it’s devs fault for having crazy dumbest ideas for her mechanic just because of she’s important in both the most appeal to audience and story impact wise smfh.

      (mafe: Most Adore Favorite Eternal the opposite of meta)

    • Yiker

      July 28, 2022


  • Wisely

    May 25, 2021

    *And we’ll be right back meme plays*

  • Fulp

    May 16, 2021

    Hey, I’m a newbie, what’s the difference if she’s your lead or not ? i see a LOT of people have her as a lead in the Colosseum rankings.

    • Cabbage

      May 16, 2021

      The lead hero is the one who stuns the opponent, and her weapon is the only one that can stun other heroes with just one attack, so having her as a lead vs a team with another leader grants you to to start the chain earlier

    • meninzera

      July 1, 2021

      Basically in colo the leader unit has 200% hp and is the only one able to cast skills.

  • Nekofiddy

    May 14, 2021

    In my lineup I got Marina, Eugene, Nari, and FP, with their respective EXs. Do I need to replace someone or is it fine now?

    • Nekofiddy

      May 14, 2021

      Also I have Arabelle with her EX too, if she’s up for replacing someone

    • Bania

      May 14, 2021

      i would replace nari since you have a melee build a support would probably do nicely best healer would be miya or you can go damage route gabriel would help greatly for that and its in this banner as well ı would recomend miya for story tho

      • Nekofiddy

        May 18, 2021

        Ah, alright. Forgot to mention this but, I have Oghma and his EX too if he’s aldo viable for replacing someone

        • Zoid

          July 22, 2021

          Oghma is a good tank. If you want more survivability, you can replace Nari and you’ll get that +40% defense buff. He’s also one of the meta nowadays so you can use him on your team.

  • +

    May 8, 2021

    after 25k gems spent I finally saw a white box and thought I was going to get her on my account. Turned out inside that box was Tinia.

    • Freonne

      May 9, 2021

      Bruh why dont you buy it using ticket

  • April 27, 2021

    Fp should get nerfed in my opinion, no character should be as op as she currently is..

  • Ramudo

    April 13, 2021

    Why is she allowed to be so broken? Like I literally cannot win colosseum or arena matches because people have this bitch.

    • Cabbage

      April 14, 2021

      yeah, she’s undoubtedly the best in collosseum because of her weapon skill. But keep in mind that some of the best players in EU/KR are changing their main to arabelle/garam in colosseum, maybe those can also create a nice team with some like oghma+noxia

      • Ramudo

        April 15, 2021

        It’s just very dumb. Stupid high HP, that weapon skill literally renders enemies useless, and you can do little to nothing about it. Or maybe idk how to counter her. Any advice appreciated.

        • Cabbage

          April 15, 2021

          The only things that can counter her is another FP (lol), basic teams (like, with nari, eva and FK with someone like oghma), or oghma and noxia to take the damage of the first opponents chain skills and then 2 really damaging heroes like arabelle as main and tinia or nari. The best european team is: Arabelle (leader), oghma, tinia and noxia. And top 11: Garam(leader), bianca, veronica and oghma

    • Diana

      May 14, 2021

      Noxia: So now I don’t exist huh?
      Nari and FK: *Comes in as the princess repellent*

  • Guardian of Katerbury

    April 11, 2021

    I’m using a defense build until I get anything better

  • Tilo lock

    April 2, 2021


    • Kek

      April 3, 2021

      You get fucked by her dont ya boy? <3

    • Cabbage

      April 5, 2021

      LMAO she’s literally the best hero in the game for most things, what are you on?

    • James Libero

      April 6, 2021

      She’s literally one of the best out there, shes tanky as hell, her ult literally gives you damage immunity for a certain number of times you get hit, even if its a large scale attack from bosses it will deal 0 damage, that’s how good she is.

      • yoush

        April 6, 2021

        i’m pretty sure they’re joking, from reading what they’re saying they just don’t wanna go against her lol

    • Dori

      April 26, 2021

      yeah she is weak and overrated, people should just use Bob who is a senior guardian and has a shield too

      • Diana

        May 14, 2021

        I agree, but replace bob with Kang, he’s WAYYYYY better.

    • No

      May 7, 2021


      (But really, she’s straight up broken at the moment, she needs to be brought down a bit to be more in line because, right now, she IS the meta.

      • Diana

        May 14, 2021

        you forgot Nari existed as a repel and knight of future is exterminator
        I would also mention nokia but elemental disadvantage

  • random

    March 23, 2021

    a good team would be fk,fp,idol eva,oghma

  • random

    March 22, 2021

    what would be a good team i got and fp

    • James Libero

      April 6, 2021

      If you have Future Knight, or Maybe Garam pare her with them, she synergies will with Future Knight.

  • bjoe3860

    March 18, 2021

    wheni first read her info on a website i cried because i have gotten attached to that little princess

  • Pandi

    January 19, 2021

    Forgot to mention, i got liberator for fp, and the sage bead for nari, I’m playin as fp, so i need a team that will let me use all of their chain skills in a combo so I don’t have to choose which to use.

    • Pandi

      July 21, 2021

      i want to get a team of fp as main, gab. mk.99, and lilith. I want to do mono light, but i couldnt find one with the right skill. this is half ranged half melee, so I can take on the enemies that are immune to one or the other. this team will be supporting fp with weapon skill regen. i have gab and her ex already, and plan on summoning for the other three in the 100 free summons banner. are there any tips on revising this team?

  • Pandi

    January 19, 2021

    I have a team of fp, Eugene, nari, and knight, should i have bari And want to use her but I don’t know how to incorporate her in a team with fp. Any advice?

    • Pandi

      January 20, 2021

      Yeah, swapped knight for bari. The team works well

  • BlackStils

    January 9, 2021

    Muy buena para historia pero solo eso

    • Cabbage

      January 11, 2021

      solo para historia? el heroes más usado en el top100 del coliseo y el top3 usado en arena? seguramente sea el héroe más versátil y que mejor encaja en casi cualquier equipo xd

  • Tilo lock

    January 2, 2021

    Future princess sucks

    bottom text

  • Strill

    December 1, 2020

    You have a list of awakened stats, and how high they are compared to other characters, but that’s a flawed and misleading metric, because it doesn’t account for equipment types. For example, Future Princess is rated 18th in defense, but only if you ignore the fact that she can use a shield, which raises her base Defense. If you run the calculations for Future Princess with a top-tier shield, she actually comes out on-par with Marina, or even higher in terms of Defense.

    Similarly, Piltvice has a mediocre atk rating, while Nari has the #4 atk rating. That comparison breaks down, however, when you realize that 2-handed swords have around 40% more base dps than baskets.

    • Heavenhold

      December 1, 2020

      That ranking isn’t a metric we use, it’s just a fun insight.
      If you read the Pros for Future Princess on our tier list you’ll see we mentioned that 🙂

  • Dronio

    November 29, 2020

    What does MLB mean in Awakening ?

    • Izaac Hemley

      November 29, 2020

      I don’t know what MLB means but it does change some of the stones

    • Heavenhold

      November 29, 2020

      MLB means Max Level Boost. Heroes that you limit break with hero crystals gain additional awakening nodes to unlock.

  • Duncan

    November 26, 2020

    She doesn’t deal “hybrid” damage. She can deal range or melee damage depending if she has a shield or not. You are fully in control. So not only does she not, as you claim “don’t benefit fully from melee or range buffs” In fact, she can benefit from whichever she wants to and makes her very versatile. Dafuk is with this website

    • Guardian Tales Wiki

      November 26, 2020

      Actually, if you test the damage from her combo with ranged and melee attack party buffs or against melee and ranged shields, the yellow projectile she fires with a shield equipped deals ranged damage. This last hit accounts for a good portion of her Normal Attack combo’s damage.

      Her weapon skill deals melee damage regardless of whether she has a shield on or not, so if you’re leading her she will not do fully ranged damage.

      Therefore, whether she has a shield on or not, she does both types of damage.

      Thank you.

      • Izaac Hemley

        November 29, 2020

        which one is better though, I have her and I would like to know

        • hi

          November 29, 2020

          it depends on whether you have a good shield or not. if you dont have a good shield, try making a team that buffs range damage so that she can do more dmg and can make up for the loss of a shield (tinia and nari do this) but if you have a good shield use the shield even if you are using a range team, because fp with a good shield is WAY better than fp without shield because of the extra defense. the extra damage gained from not using a shield is not really worth having on a healer tank like fp

          • Mike

            December 2, 2020

            Although I’ve had success running princess as my lead without a shield. It allows me to taunt enemies and then kite the hell out of them while my party smashes them. I would generally rather be controlling my DPS but I think this is a viable option for bosses that tend to have big single target hits that you can keep away from your other characters.

  • Diana

    November 23, 2020


  • SHepharius

    November 18, 2020


  • Thatonedudeontheinternet

    November 18, 2020

    She is op

  • rinzin

    November 18, 2020

    who knew the character that saves you at the beginning papers again at world ten lol

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Global/KR Japan
Name Princess
Released November 4, 2020 (Korea)
November 17, 2020 (Global)
January 26, 2022 (Japan)
Age 20
Height 161cm
Weight 47kg
Element Light
Role Tanker
Equipment Staff