Name Dohwa
Released (GL/KR)
Age 18
Height 161
Weight 43
Element Basic
Role Ranged
Equipment Basket


Dohwa is the heir to the Motori Mountain soul mage family.

Dohwa has a twin sister named Seohwa. While Seohwa has a bright personality and is often lucky despite being in poor health, Dohwa is prone to small misfortunes, like frequently tripping or getting hurt, and is more timid. Though they may seem completely opposite at first glance, their love and care for each other are the same.

From a young age, Dohwa and Seohwa studied soul magic to become soul mages. But one day, after learning about grim reapers, they both decided they wanted to become grim reapers instead. They immediately begged their mother to let them become grim reapers, but their mother scared them by saying that to become a grim reaper, they would first have to die and forget all their memories of this world. Not wanting to forget each other, Dohwa and Seohwa never brought it up again. Afterward, they even started to feel a little sorry for grim reapers.

The primary duty of a soul mage is to resolve problems related to the souls of the residents of Motori Village. Most of the work involves treating nightmares or emotional distress caused by disturbed soul flows. After becoming the heir, Dohwa took over her mother's responsibilities in solving these issues. However, she often stumbles in front of the villagers and frequently apologizes for lacking confidence in her soul magic. Despite this, many people find her clumsiness endearing, and a secret group has formed to quietly support her. It's an open secret that Seohwa secretly joined and participated in this group.


Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 35/140
ATK 1725
Rank: 76/140
HP 62738
Rank: 48/140
DEF 308
Rank: 10/140
Crit Chance 6.0
Rank: 42/140
Damage Reduction 0
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Dark Resistance -30%
Light Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Soul Magic
Soul Sphere: Fires spheres imbued with soul to inflict ranged damage to enemies.
Soul Blast: Becomes full of soul for 7 seconds. In this state, her Atk increases by 20%.

Chain Ability


Avian Spirit Ascent
Summons a sacred bird to inflict 230% of DPS damage as ranged damage to enemies.

Special Ability
Soul Repose
Soul Sphere's damage increases by 10% of Skill Damage up to a maximum of 100%. For each Basic type party member, increases the Crit Hit Multiplier of Basic type party members by 5% up to a maximum of 20%.
Passives[Party] Basic Atk +50.0%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +6.0%
Skill Damage +4.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Serendipity Epic Basket 4495-4936 DPS
Basic Atk 1081-1187 Heal 1860Crit Hit Chance 4.0%Def +20.0%HP +16.0%Skill Damage +22.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Soul Mage Dohwa only]
Soul Sphere changes into a 3 hit structure.
On Soul Sphere's hit while in Soul Blast state, marks enemies with a four leaf clover emblem and decreases their Def by 20% for 6 seconds.
Weapon Skill Lv +3

[Sub-Options] (Max )Weapon Skill Regen Speed +18.0%

Soul Carving Lv.3

Atk: 270% DPS
Regen time: 9.5 seconds

Unleashes power to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) injured state.
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Name Dohwa
Released (GL/KR)
Age 18
Height 161
Weight 43
Element Basic
Role Ranged
Equipment Basket