Name Parvati
Released January 13, 2022 (Korea)
January 25, 2022 (Global)
Age 30
Height 170cm
Weight 54kg
SpeciesHalf Desert Elf
Element Earth
Role Warrior
Equipment Gauntlet


Parvati is the model employee of the unofficial post facto clean up team of Kamazon.

The unofficial post facto clean up team takes out those who threaten or get in Kamazon's way. Parvati always maintains top performance within the organization full of various assassins. Kamazon views Parvati favorably as well due to her obedience towards superiors and her capability to swiftly take out any target. Some areas fell into complete pandemonium due to her superior abilities. However Parvati herself is unaware she's the cause behind the chaos.

There's a sole reason Parvati got a job at Kamazon after being trained under her father with her younger sister at a young age. It was her father's dying wish for Parvati to live an ordinary life and get hired by an ordinary company. She believed getting employed at the famous Kamazon meant living an ordinary life, so she kept applying. But the world wasn't her oyster. After being rejected interview after interview, she finally got hired through a recommendation to a department that suited her skillset.

Now that she's finally achieved her father's dying wish, Parvati completely believes she's an ordinary employee like everyone else. And she doesn't doubt it at all. Because her job required her to move from place to place, she gets really annoyed from moving constantly. Her only hobby is seeking out new local delicacies when she moves into a new town. Parvati's life is satisfactory in all aspects, but her one wish is for Tinia, her younger sister, to live an ordinary life just like her.


Obtainable at 3

Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 69/140
ATK 1468
Rank: 48/140
HP 67698
Rank: 53/140
DEF 301
Rank: 14/140
Crit Chance 5.0
Rank: 42/140
Damage Reduction 0
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Fire Resistance -30%
Water Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Commence Tasks
Speedy Precision: Draws a wire to deal damage to enemies. Prioritizes her attack to Supporters or enemies far away.
Customer Service: Installs a wire which deals damage to enemies that come into contact.

Chain Ability


Task Completion
Approaches enemies instantly to deal 380% of DPS damage, and increase her Atk by 30% for 5 seconds.

Special Ability
Process Optimization
On Commence Task's hit, reduce the target's weapon skill regen speed by 30% for 1 seconds.
Installing wires after using Customer Service increases Atk by 20% for 6 seconds.
Passives[Party] Crit Hit chance +40.0%
Increases damage dealt to supporters +10%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +6.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Office Supply Epic Gauntlet 3653-4012 DPS
Earth Atk 870-955 Crit Hit Chance 5%Def 27Def +18.0%HP +22.0%Skill Damage +20.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Model Employee Parvati only]
DPS for Customer Service increases by 100%. Wires are installed near the target and closest enemies. On Customer Service's hit, lower the target's Atk by 20% for 3 seconds.

[Sub-Options] (Max 1)Weapon Skill Regen Speed +14.0%

Risk Elimination Lv.1

Atk: 145% DPS
Regen time: 9.8 seconds

Installs multiple wires around the target to inflict damage. Puts enemies in a downed state.
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  • lux

    December 20, 2022

    Where is the Awakening Materials ?

  • Diana

    January 22, 2022


  • RojTheGreat

    January 18, 2022

    A new hero for Arena/Raid only again… when can we have a Colo/Pve hero? 🙁

    • Nope

      January 31, 2022

      Really? She directly attacks support chars. That was meant for Collo dude!

  • Wisely

    January 17, 2022

    She’s pretty o.o

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Name Parvati
Released January 13, 2022 (Korea)
January 25, 2022 (Global)
Age 30
Height 170cm
Weight 54kg
SpeciesHalf Desert Elf
Element Earth
Role Warrior
Equipment Gauntlet