Name Dabin
Released (GL/KR)
Age ?
Height 154cm
Weight 48kg
SpeciesHeavenly Maiden
Element Earth
Role Ranged
Equipment Rifle


Dabin is a novice heavenly maiden who carries a large coffer on her back.

Though her skills are not extraordinary, she never gives up due to her characteristic perseverance. Heavenly maidens, following the will of the sages, defeat yokai that disturb the world and save sentient beings. On these lines, Dabin has completed all of her missions flawlessly. Senior heavenly maidens, who were suspicious of her impressive achievements for a novice, once secretly monitored her. However, they withdrew their suspicions after witnessing Dabin climb a mountain for two days straight just to find a child's lost dog. Since then, the senior heavenly maidens have placed their full trust in Dabin, granting her more freedom despite her novice status.

To assist the sages, heavenly maidens use various tools. Among them, Dabin is particularly fond of a large cannon called Heavenly Cannon. Dabin was fascinated by the earth-shaking explosive sound and tremendous destructive power of the cannon. It's said that when firing it, she would become noticeably excited as if she had turned into a different person. Although Dabin carries all necessary equipment in her magically expanded coffer to be ready to use the cannon at any time, due to its great power, she has never been permitted to use it in real combat. As a result, she often consoles herself after missions by eating the snacks she hides in a corner of her coffer.

One day, Dabin unknowingly encountered the Sea Witch, a dangerous entity previously sealed away by the sages. When the heavenly maidens later discovered this, they panicked, realizing the urgent need to track down the Sea Witch. As the only one who had seen the Sea Witch's face, Dabin is now pursuing her. However, with all the suspicious activities the yokai have been orchestrating lately, finding the Sea Witch has become even more difficult. Nevertheless, Dabin continues her pursuit, hoping that another encounter with the Sea Witch will give her the chance to freely use her beloved cannon.


Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 9/140
ATK 1916
Rank: 24/140
HP 72342
Rank: 36/140
DEF 329
Rank: 69/140
Crit Chance 0
Rank: 42/140
Damage Reduction 0
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Fire Resistance -30%
Water Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Heavenly Maiden Gunnery
Fire!: Fires a cannonball to inflict ranged damage to enemies.
Skyward Cannon: Jumps to a nearby location.

Chain Ability


Overwhelming Firepower
Fires a powerful cannonball to inflict 360% of DPS as ranged damage and increase all allies' Atk by 20% for 10 seconds.

Special Ability
Fire Support
For each Earth type party member, increases the Crit Hit Chance of Earth type party members by 5% up to a maximum of 20%.
Allows the firing of an additional cannonball after using Skyward Cannon. If the additional cannonball is a hit, deals 130% of DPS as ranged damage to the target and deals 20% of DPS as ranged damage to nearby enemies.
Passives[Party] Crit Hit chance +40.0%
+5.0% shield increase on battle start
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +3.0%
Skill Damage +8.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Heavenly Cannon Epic Rifle 4622-5076 DPS
Earth Atk 3082-3384 Magazine Size 1Crit Hit Chance 5.0%Def +20.0%HP +18.0%Weapon Skill Regen Speed +12.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[Novice Heavenly Maiden Dabin only]
If Fire! is a hit, Earth type resistance is decreased by 20% for 5 seconds.
If the additional cannonball of Fire Support is a hit, for 5 seconds, the damage of Fire! increases by 20% while damage taken decreases by 20%.
Weapon Skill Lv +4

[Sub-Options] (Max )Skill Damage +22.0%

Area Bombardment Lv.1

Atk: 170% DPS
Regen time: 8.9 seconds

Fires a barrage of shells into the sky to inflict ranged damage to enemies. Puts them in a(n) downed state.
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Name Dabin
Released (GL/KR)
Age ?
Height 154cm
Weight 48kg
SpeciesHeavenly Maiden
Element Earth
Role Ranged
Equipment Rifle