Name Kamael
Released August 27, 2021 (Korea)
September 7, 2021 (Global)
Age ?
Height 192cm
Weight 90kg
Element Earth
Role Support
Equipment Staff


Kamael is the God of Harvest supervising the fauna and flora through the powers of the earth and life itself.

He is a god serving under Prometheia and performs the tasks of reviving the World Tree. Kamael was once a great wizard with powerful mana. He became a deity after being blessed with divine powers by Prometheia when she needed a lower god to manage the World Tree. Kamael's current top priority is restoring the burnt World Tree. He will cut down anyone, human or deity threatening it.

Kamael is the founder of the mega corporation, Kamazon. Kamazon is an online shopping mall that receives orders and ships products using drones. It was founded to achieve Kamael's goal to obtain the world's greatest financial power. His business tactics are severely aggressive. He is infamous in the business for taking down his competitors and removing the thinking circuit of 'An android can ignore an order it does not like' on the ones he hired. Kamael's been buying the ruins of the World Tree with the money he earned from Kamazon. It seemed Kamael searched for clues to restore the World Tree himself, but for some reason he completely halted all investigations. He built and opened a part of the ruins into the Kama-ZONE theme park. Kama-ZONE is famous for having numerous mystical artifacts and even now, groups conducting investigations within the closed off areas of Kama-ZONE are seen from time to time. After the investigation groups disappear, the area goes under maintenance and becomes a new area for Kama-ZONE.

He may be a cold and infamous CEO of a mega corporation, but he's warm hearted towards Bari and Mayreel. He considers the two disciples he lovingly raised like his own children, but his love rarely gets reciprocated like all other parents. Mayreel is especially annoyed of Kamael's attention and it often causes him to get a bit mopey. Despite worrying about Bari and Mayreel, Kamael always sends his two disciples on far away journeys. Whether it's to restore the World Tree, or to hide his life as a corporate man, is unknown.


Obtainable at 3

Max Awakened Stats Lv.100

Rank: 53/140
ATK 1593
Rank: 54/140
HP 66880
Rank: 13/140
DEF 408
Rank: 69/140
Crit Chance 0
Rank: 31/140
Damage Reduction 16
Rank: 14/140
Heal 0
Fire Resistance -30%
Water Resistance +30%


Normal Attack
Circle of Life
Absorbs the enemy's life force to deal damage.
On the last Circle of Life's hit, shoots a concentrated orb to heal all allies' HP, and reduces the enemy's ranged Def by 20% for 3 seconds.

Chain Ability


Earthly Purification
Summons an elemental to deal 220% of DPS damage to nearby enemies.
Restore allies' HP by 20% and remove negative Effects.

Special Ability
Nature's Blessing
Increase Circle of Life's damage and recovery by 25%.
Passives[Party] Range Atk +50.0%
Weapon Skill Regen Speed +4.0%
+10.0% shield increase on battle start
Skill Damage +6.0%

Exclusive Weapons

WeaponWeapon Skill
Equinox Epic Staff 3271 DPS
Earth Atk 1079 Crit Hit Chance 1%Def +22.0%HP +22.0%Skill Damage +20.0%
[Required Limit Break 5]Atk +10.0%

[God of Harvest Kamael only]
Attacks a maximum of 3 enemies near Circle of Life.
On Circle of Life's hit, deal 25% of DPS damage with 50% chance, and immediately reduces ranged Def effect.
Weapon Skill Lv +4

[Sub-Options] (Max 1)Weapon Skill Regen Speed +16.0%

Earth's Jolting Wave Lv.3

Atk: 170% DPS
Regen time: 8.2 seconds

Shoots the concentrated energy from the earth to inflict damage to enemies in his way, and puts them in airborne state.

Awakening Materials


690 660 390 318

470 450 234 180

274 264 102 66

546 516 426 258

362 342 270 144

196 186 132 48

588 528 348 156

406 366 222 78

242 222 114 18

178 160 100 53

118 106 60 26

63 57 25 4

87 21 9 0
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  • Matt

    December 12, 2023

    J’aimerais trop l’avoir TvT

  • Matt

    December 12, 2023

    J’aimerai trop l’avoir TvT

  • hungbmt129

    December 19, 2022

    em có acc mới tạo chưa được 24h đã sở hữu ông già này ai mua không em bán 4tr

    • wwww#5412

      December 19, 2022


    • THENEMISIS#5529

      December 19, 2022

      4 tr chả ai mua đâu, lên shop wibugem 4tr mua dc 20 acc có kamael rồi

    • bao689#0

      February 23, 2024

      vcl ngáo giá à =))))

  • THANh#7052

    August 27, 2022

    1 year and him still the best, LOL

  • Ai

    July 21, 2022

    Just maxed out him, but I need recommendation for the builds

  • Dramorian#0433

    June 14, 2022

    Builds where?

  • Lenoindex#0269

    February 17, 2022

    Good work on adjusting Kamael’s ratings, but 9.5/10 for Story is bit underrating him xD,

    He is the only unit who can solo the entire story mode.

    • Pawsu

      February 17, 2022

      I believe Zeeebo has done a knight only challenge so your statement is a bit of an exaggeration

      • Lenoindex#0269

        February 20, 2022

        It is impressive some players can pull these off, but you wouldn’t rate Knight 10/10 for this would you? Most players will be able to use Kamael with zero investment and clear world 1 – 12 – day 1 account and put him in TR you are done. This is not something FP who is rated higher here can achieve.

        • Lenoindex#0269

          February 20, 2022

          And no, Zeeebo didn’t Solo with Knight. I never thought he would be capable to pull something like that off. tar0 maybe 🙂

      • Lenoindex#0269

        February 20, 2022

        And no, Zeeebo didn’t Solo with Knight. I never thought he would be capable to pull something like that off. tar0 maybe 🙂

    • Sage-72#8706

      February 22, 2022

      i’d have to disagree. putting kamael at 9.5 behind fp in story is reasonable for me as FP is tons easier and way more forgiveable in clearing world 11-13. I’ve used both Kama lead and FP lead and tested the waters from world 11-13 passagse and have come up with the clear conclusion that having FP lead is easier to clear worlds 11-13 due to multiple reasons

      1.) FP is tanky meaning that she can survive more crazy otherwise-oneshotting-hits from mobs.
      2.) her special ability gives her insane movement speed bonus which is VERY VERY helpful in avoiding enemy attacks and getting out of spots where you might get trapped due to collision AND can help you instantly get to those mages especially world 13 mages where they’ll form a wall to block you.
      3.) she can handle both melee and ranged immune enemies due to her onecast stun INJURE weapon skill
      4.) she has taunt which gives 30% def which really helps you survive those hits and pulls in everyone, allowing your fragile party members to at least squeeze a bit of dps before they get randomly killed by a mob with bombardment modifier
      5.) she’s melee therefore, her basic attacks can instantly interrupt mages casting spells unlike kamael who has to use his WS to stagger the enemy.

      while granted, kamael can heal more and kill mobs faster, the fact that he doesn’t have any survivability besides his (obnoxious) lifesteal makes him a glass cannon compared to fp and while kamael can heal to full hp faster, fp can still utilize her insane movement speed and POG chain skill (that allows her to nullify certain one shot attacks like purple laser beams) to:

      run around, throw ws and run around, attack once, use dodge and run around again

      to get back to full hp

      • jolinatuturua

        August 5, 2022

        I dissagree so far no character is forgiving in world 11. So far world 11 has been completly impossible for me.

  • Asura

    November 22, 2021

    what weapon to use if i dont have his ex weapon?

    • nuuyasora

      November 23, 2021

      if u use him as lead, use fantasia/ lucy ex, messiah/veronica ex, angel voice/idol eva ex, justice/eva ex. if u using him as team it whathever u have ig

  • Isa

    November 11, 2021

    Which card and equip to use on him?

    • Jihefmat

      November 22, 2021

      2 atk card if you play him as a DPS, or 2 HP card if you play him as a support. But if it’s for pvp, it’s always 2 atk card (or one damage card + 1 atk card if you play arena and you don’t want to meet lynn

    • S͛uͧs͛_Joͦs͛iͥaͣhͪඞ#8634

      April 25, 2022

      Mabye 1 DPS and 1 HP

  • qaster

    October 30, 2021

    Does his heal affected by “Heal” attrubute from cards and equip?
    or just ATK?

    • Jihefmat

      November 5, 2021

      nope, his heal is dependent of his hp. The more hp he has, the more he heal. Karina heal with her damage, Kamael with his hp stat. So the more hp kamael has, the more he will heal his allies, but the heal is fixed per a % of his hp. It’s something like 20% of his hp. So if he has 1000hp, he will heal 200hp for example.

  • Specter

    September 29, 2021

    I Just got him but I don’t have his ex weapon. What could I use in the meantime?

  • Auto

    September 22, 2021

    you guys dont realize that he can get even STRONGER with the faith system

    • J

      September 24, 2021

      What is the faith system?

      • qaster

        November 12, 2021

        Faith system is already in the garbage bin according to the official post.
        They decide that it will do damage to the game instead of helping, so they scrap the whole idea.

        • GT dev

          December 5, 2021

          We are atheis, no god system needed

  • Impaler

    September 19, 2021

    Typical marketing strategy. Release OP hero so people will pay to get him, then nerf him

    • Jiffy

      September 19, 2021

      He’s getting nerfed?

    • meninzera

      September 19, 2021

      I was baited 🙁

    • cupacupa

      September 19, 2021

      I just use every last my gems to get him+ his exwp,
      I hope they don’t nerf him at least for next month. 😀

    • nana

      September 23, 2021

      Stop spreading false news. Most, if not all of the gacha games don’t directly nerf characters. Doing that will only get people to sue and boycott the company. This game hasn’t nerfed a single hero either, since release. Just take a good look at Future Princess.

      • Spartx

        September 24, 2021

        Sue the company because they nerfed a character? And you are talking about false news? What a joke you are.

        • meta123

          September 26, 2021

          Lmao, do you even know what you’re talking about? People WOULD sue a company for that. This is a gacha game, directly nerfing a character in a gacha game is almost like shooting themselves in the foot, because some people spend more than others to get a character. Do yourself some research before saying ignorant stuff like this. This community sure is just a bunch of kids.

          • usrsbruh

            September 29, 2021

            Not true. You should probably do some research first as well. Read the EULA of any gacha game. Even if you spent money on microtransactions, you don’t own ANYTHING in the game. You don’t even own your own account. Devs can do whatever they want. Just because something you spent money on becomes useless (or even unplayable if a game shuts down), that doesn’t violate anything. Japan does indeed have some vague laws regarding gacha and nerfs, but this is a Korean game, so that’s not even relevant.

          • Leiz

            October 15, 2021

            playing gacha game for the first time ? Sound like virgin

          • Leiz

            October 15, 2021

            Virgin: No they not nerf cuz it gacha game.
            Laugh at HI3, GI, A9

      • meninzera

        September 24, 2021

        but they DID nerf his stats…

    • GatchaGamer

      September 24, 2021

      You need to learn about gatcha games history, nerfing is stupid moves, it make people who already investing mad and didn’t bring any benefit into company, while they have better solution called power creeping where they can just release another slightly better heroes to keep the hype and their economy going.

    • Your mom

      December 5, 2021

      Playing this game before global release.
      I never seen dev nerf unique character they buff it instead.

  • Jake

    September 16, 2021

    What’s a good build for him?

    • meninzera

      September 16, 2021

      Probably 2x atk cards, Mirror Necklace of Riches MLB with cd reduction, skill and hp and aoba’s eye mask.

  • Specter

    September 12, 2021

    Wait is he really that good?!

    • Nguyen Do Huu Su

      September 12, 2021

      Very high damage output , ridiculous healing power( for himself mostly) , have range defense shred . range party buff, can dog fight and beat a lot of mele units . currently theres no range unit can beat him except lucy in arena, and nobody play lucy . with ex weapon he can hit 3 enemies at once , instant def shred , which is just too overpower for pve contents and coloseum ( future knight and mk99 need perfect line up to hit multiple targets, and fire mono comp sucks in colo) .
      he and fp are probaly the 2 must have units now for newbie , good at all contents

  • KamaelShouldn’tExist

    September 9, 2021

    Okay, at this point, it’s clear Devs are running out of ideas for unique heroes and they just make them OP!

    First, YOU CAN’T MAKE A SUPPORT BETTER THAN A BRAWLER! Second, if you gonna make a character that drains life, DON’T GIVE THEM A QUICK AOD ABILITY WEAPON! And third, oh god, if characters are gonna be this op now, WHY THE HECK DON’T THEY BUFF THE PREVIOUS CHARACTERS INCLUDING 2* HEROES BEFORE?!!!

    They need to stop giving new heroes every 2 weeks and start focusing on balance heroes now; and I don’t wanna see those excuses “But players will be mad if their heroes get nerfed after spending months of upgrading”.

    That’s bullsh*t; I had to upgrade the ones I used in the past, took me months, and now, thanks to these kind of stupid broken new heroes, they are useless. Thank you, devs, you’ve ruined my serenity yet again!

    • KamaelShouldExist

      September 10, 2021

      Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad

    • JunTyR

      September 10, 2021

      Don’t mad bro , he’s not going to your party

    • Orochi

      September 12, 2021

      I mean, he’s the founder of Kamazon, that reason alone should make him OP af

    • Hai

      September 14, 2021

      Hero reset stones exist

    • Pix

      September 16, 2021

      sigh casual gamer play dark souls be like:

    • takidustOYF

      October 19, 2022

      Dude calm down it’s just a game lol

  • yaboi-kong

    September 9, 2021

    is he really a overall 10/10?

    • meninzera

      September 10, 2021

      No arena rating yet, but possibly…

  • BliueishBoy

    September 7, 2021

    eeeeeeeeee i want younger kamael super costume for some reason TwT

    • Elysius

      November 4, 2021

      Sameeee. I have erina SC and i dont even want to use it

    • Ai

      July 21, 2022

      2nd anniversary, and you will get what you guys want xD

  • Apollonyr

    September 7, 2021

    I’m currently using FP, Mayreel, Bari and Nari, would be good I change Nari for him?

    • Godrict

      September 9, 2021

      Change FP for him and just melt things for a great raid team

  • Pandi

    September 7, 2021

    Lovin the suit kamael!

  • Pikabsynthe

    September 1, 2021

    Mayreel, Rue, Bari and kamael will be good for PVE.

  • nuuyasora

    August 31, 2021

    hes going be meta for pve since his atk can heal even w/o his ex weapon o _o so powerful!
    im going to change my gabriel to kamael but his chain is airborne ;-;

    • meninzera

      August 31, 2021

      Maybe we can match him with Garam?

      • nuuyasora

        September 1, 2021

        ehhh im now looking a team that have better heal when attacking w/o exwp (no luck ;-;) and has good defense since my dodge sometimes worse that i can kill my own team

    • Seandys

      September 10, 2021

      You can chain him with tinia! her chain is injured to airborne

      • nuuyasora

        September 10, 2021

        i dont have her x.x ,ill try get her though! (not sure when since no gacha luck ;-;)

  • Aegis

    August 27, 2021

    Now it’s all up to the animation of his attack or something to make it even more oopee or weaken him hmmm…

    • Letrixx

      August 27, 2021

      attack animation is also op, it can’t miss lol

  • Jihefmat

    August 27, 2021

    yeah, the dev probably where drunk when they decided to do this character. Look at his stat and as his staff. The staff with the best defensive stat of all the weapon in the game, and with the best DPS stat of all staff.
    His stats are also in the top10 character of each stats, or should i say Top5 x)

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Name Kamael
Released August 27, 2021 (Korea)
September 7, 2021 (Global)
Age ?
Height 192cm
Weight 90kg
Element Earth
Role Support
Equipment Staff